
Thank you ISAYWHATIWANT for all of this Ray Lewis information. He has a hell of a nerve to keep Kapernick from getting a job and being blackballed. Ray is no saint and got away with murder. CAN AN NFL TEAM THAT IS 0-3 GIVE KAPERNICK A JOB!! ALMOST half the NFL players kneeled or sat during the anthem today including

I will say we got ahead greatly with PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA being elected for 2 terms. Trump was put in office by the dumbass electoral college because they didn’t want another democrat in office. PRESIDENT OBAMA didn’t get elected by only the BLACK VOTE. Trump didn’t have any political experience and this jerk is

I agree their family is beautiful. If you need a Nanny call me :). A great family is a blessing regardless of how it’s made. Kaleb Jr. has adorable and kissable cheeks ;). I would love to give them so tips to make hair combing less painful for those beautiful girls.