
Your situation sucked, but so did your choice to have a baby with that man.

TBH - I might not bother, either. I’m tired of voting for old white men. They are just one beige blur to me at this point. 

Now we want universal child care, too?

That’s life, kiddo. I have to pay more for some stuff that’s beyond my control. You have to pay more for a better airline seat. Cope.

oh well my goodness I did not realize that their every interaction was recorded for posterity and posted on youtube. what about right now? what are they doing right now? What channel can I watch that on?

uhhhhhhh he did not “brutally rape” anyone. 

Why should he apologize to her? She was a grown-ass woman who made a bad decision - a series of them, actually - and had to live with it. She made her choice. He doesn’t need to apologize. 

I’m a never Sanders. when his campaign contacted me I told them that. They kept pushing “but who will you support” and I kept telling them “any other candidate. Literally any other one.” They don’t get it. 


Very well said and very very true. 

It’s not a “complete betrayal” for lord’s sake. As I said before I’d have voted for her even though there were things in her platform I didn’t like. Sanders, I will never vote for, because there are things in his platform I don’t like, AND I do not like him ONE BIT. 

I will never vote for Bernie for anything. Ever. But I would have voted for Warren, even though I don’t like her “free college” schtick.  See how that works? 

pfffttttt Bernie has egged on his nasties from day ONE.

Aw give  him a break. It’s not like he wouldn’t say it, it’s that he didn’t know himself how to do it. 

But she’s female so she never could have gotten away with it. She’d been eviscerated for not saying it just as much as she was for saying it. 

As was Hillary.

We are WAY better off with her staying in the Senate 


I think it will a) never happen or b) be a Palin type republican. I would not be surprised if Murkowski goes for it. 

And you can also send a hearty FUCK YOU to all the Jez bloggers who “but her emails’ed” her over her ancestry issue.