
Oh please. I hope trump and pence die screaming. I hope Miller dies with a whimper. I hope every right wing piece of shit dies horribly. I hope every moron gun nut in America drops dead tomorrow. 

I dislike Bernie AND his supporters. 

He’s “consistent” as in “I’ve known his name for three years now”

Buuuuutttt he didn’t “move the party leftward.” that’s a complete fantasy. 

I’m sorry but wut... “35% of the party” oh, my shit. Says who?????

This is probably the most pathetic take I’ve read so far and that’s saying a lot. 

*kid gloves

And the evidence is...? like, you can’t just call someone a rapist. 

No way would Bernie win the popular vote. He can’t even win a primary. 

Those. Are. Not. Policies.

Well yeah because Sanders copied Obama’s playbook but had no idea what to do when the world didn’t fall into line. 

Lordy I hope not. 

The “younger” generations have to start realizing that “seniority” is actually a thing used to gauge competence and not just a super mean unfair way to prevent young people from stepping from college straight into a management role. 

Oh for fuck’s sake. 

Thank you. History and facts matter. 

Nothing is good enough for you, clearly.

whoa whoa WHOA you need to hold your roll. DOMA was the best that could POSSIBLY be achieved at that time and Bill Clinton has been MORE than open about that.

just...what? You can’t name the pillars of Hillary’s campaign even though she had quite literally HUNDREDS of pages of documentation of them? Well then you are just lazy. 

buuuutttt she won more votes than ANY WHITE MAN EVER to run for the office. People love her. She’s popular. She’s electable. You fell for the Bernie bro line. Again. 

Those aren’t “policies.” Being a demagogue is not a “policy.”