
Thank you!

Our nation existed long before a bunch of cult rejects from some island with shit food stumbled over here & decided they didn’t want to pay their fair share.

Beyond the grossness of complaining about a STATUE at a time like this, caping for Louis XVI is just embarrassing all on its own.

Second worst performance Lincoln ever attended.

I love the bodies in Victorian pornography! They’re so real, they look like people you could actually know, with bellies and pubic hair, and as you say, they always look so shameless and happy to be there. At the same time, the slow shutter speeds and soft focus also makes everyone so smooth and pretty.

Lol I was coming here to say the same

History junkie here so hearing from a pro is music. Also had to look up the meaning of your burner. That’s awesome :)

Congratulations, MeatyBallz! You have officially written the absolute stupidest fucking comment I’ve ever read on this website!

I believe that was in his 1952 autobiography: “Crazy Legs: Portrait of a President”

I heard FDR received an email the evening of December 6th warning of Pearl Harbor but deliberately sent it to junk to start a war.

I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine how you feel given that I, a stranger, feel like vomiting.

According to some of those candid interviews, the ending was the result of them literally running out of time. EA had already given them a huge extension on the game’s dev time to work on the multiracial angle and they couldn’t ask to skip yet another holiday season.

That screenshot is EVERYTHING.

With all due respect to the author, who clearly wrote a spirited piece of journalism here:

Y’know, if we all had access to bombs and bomb-making material this never would have happened because a good guy with a bomb can always stop a bad guy with a bomb.

but for now, they are still being born?

I used to tie a Tamagotchi to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to buy a Tamagotchi cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of Bill Clinton on ‘em. “Gimme five Slick Willie’s for a quarter”, you’d say.

People: read the links in the story before you pass judgment. If you want a quick overview...