
Pepper spray is banned where I live too, but you know what isn’t? A small can of spray paint. It doesn’t feel good when it gets in the eyes, and it very clearly marks who the perpetrator was, without the risk of ruining your nose and eyes as well if the wind is blowing the wrong way, like with mace. I’m not advocating

It’s been a struggle. The only thing that’s been restraining me is knowing that if I did something, it would absolutely affect this case, and also I knew my family needed me at this time.

Even if he is found guilty at his trial, it will just be a fine that he pays to us. I can’t explain how gross that makes me feel,

You poor thing, I am just... I don’t know if I want to give you a giant mama bear hug or add more names to my “burn alive during the Purge” list more. I really, really hope you have a good support system.

Honestly the hardest part about all of this has been controlling my anger. The Swedish justice system moves SO much slower than what I’m used to, and just operates different in general. The urge to commit violent crimes in response to this has been...almost overwhelming at times.

Honestly the hardest part about all of this has been controlling my anger. The Swedish justice system moves SO much slower than what I’m used to, and just operates different in general. The urge to commit violent crimes in response to this has been...almost overwhelming at times.

Yeeeaahh... This only came to light because my son got caught using a school iPad to look at illicit material. He’d been threatened that he’d get in so much trouble if he ever told anyone. The warning signs are sometimes impossible to see, and it just makes you feel like the worst kind of garbage as a parent.

That’s exactly it, and we all know that the internet is forever--I live in constant fear this specific aspect will come back to haunt my son later in life in a tangible way.

OH yes. It actually got revealed during a school day, so that was fun! Two year investigation, and now a trial in November.

Uh yeah, he’s been under investigation for 2 years now, and we have a trial in November. I also may have told him I’d happily scalp him if he ever came near me or my kids again.

Nope, he was totally normal, typical grandpa sort of guy. Of course hindsight being perfect, my husband realized that the first step he took with our son was something he’d done with my husband also: Showing him porn (my husband, to be fair, was 15-ish I think, and it was justified as a form of giving him “the talk”).

We discovered two years ago that my husband’s step-father was grooming our son. He had been doing all kinds of awful things in clear escalation of grossness, clearly prepping him for the worst kinds of sexual abuse. Our son told us he’d (among many other things) been taking pics of him while he was changing clothes.

That’s exactly right—she’s responsible for a lot of indigenous fashions and crafts getting more recognition and even surviving in a post-industrial Mexico.

For those that don’t understand the big deal about her unibrow: She made a huge point in purposefully emphasizing her facial hair because she despised western beauty standards. Erasing that is erasing a large and very important part of who Frida was, as a person.

It’s also kind of crappy they’re completely ignoring the

Literally everything about this movie is, “Ugh, THIS asshole again.”

Interestingly, the first date my husband and I went on was to the Met, and that was back in the days that I regularly dressed in full-on Victorian wear (we’re talking corset, bustle, petticoats, etc), with an admittedly Gothic lean, but I had zero problems with security. They were more concerned about my water bottle.