
My favourite is companies that advertise “cholesterol free” olive oil. So, olive oil.

I don’t know how you could possibly have known, but this gif is my everything.

Those school admins are chlorophyll of shit.

Yoko is making some damn sense, which means it’s time for me to step aside before I get trampled by the four horses.

For the better part of a year during elementary school, I was sent to school with two lunches because they discovered I had been sharing mine with a friend whose parents couldn’t pack a lunch for her. It’s much too easy for the EcoParent Militia to forget that there is a regrettably huge number of children still out

I thought it was because he was riding her 15 minutes of fame to the last bitter millisecond.

Even the 2.5-month Canadian campaigning season is about 9 weeks too long. (Edited because I though it was in November. Silly me.)

Did Flamin’ Hot Cheetos make the list of life-extending foods? I’m afraid to look...

a good friend of my brother’s is was Lenny’s wardrobe manager

At least he turned the hat forwards for the occasion.

Yes, and even the stitch holding kick pleats together, as well as the outer wrist tag on coats and suits. I mean, I’m a busy person! I don’t have time for this shit!

I hope this is put up for trial at this week’s Shade Court.

I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, that they did it out of ignorance and not malice. But now that you mention it, maybe they were trying to stir up some controversy for attention’s sake because I do have a hard time believing this feature made it to publication without someone saying “wait a minute,

Somebody at Allure saw all the attention Rachel Dolezal’s hair was getting and thought it would be a great idea to capitalize on it without thinking why that hair became famous in the first place.

Trucks have tailgates in T-Bay? Fancy!

I have a friend who met a guy on an online dating site and for their first date they went cross-country night...outside cellphone range. All of my alarm bells were going off but she insisted on going and if I weren’t shite at cross-country skiing I would have insisted on tailing them. I made her text me as

Your dog and my dog must be long-lost twins, except mine gives me side-eye instead of looking sad.

What I can’t believe is that they actually STAYED for the rest of the play. If I were his mother, I would have dragged him out by his ear provided I hadn’t died of embarrassment.

Even if he is away on an official rhino-wrastling tour, I think it’s weirdly “unbalanced” for the family pic to include Pippa and the Middleton version of Rob Kardashian.

But...but...but... WHERE’S HARRY??????!!!!!!????????