Lady Smatter

For the uninitiated, the book—which is a relatively short 28 pages

Who the fuck are these people who want MORE emotionally-fraught obligations around holiday time that they have to make up new “traditions,” is what I want to know.

My takeaway from all of this is that their husbands are not good looking AT ALL. What is with that? Jesus was foxy, had pretty good hair. But these guys? Their hair is TERRIBLE. They are so unfoxy. Someone should do something about this travesty.

Having read the book, if you want to hate whalers, you should enjoy this movie because they end up all suffering miserably... I mean, arguably, any that died right away were the ones better off.

Just wait until you hear my hot take on the Stamp Act of 1765.

I haven’t seen the movie, but I read the book, and it is sad, but not really for whale killing reasons. They don’t really start the book until after the whale smashes their boat, at which point they have way worse things to worry about than whaling.

I’d rather see “child of a Pinterest mom”.

These relationships never get good press, and when they do it is snide and still gender conforming regardless of the slant. This should be celebrated!

Watching the edited TPM (which is great, BTW), I am struck once again that Lucas erred in making Anakin so, so young, an error that compounded itself through the rest of the prequel trilogy. In TPM, it’s just hard to believe he has both the physical and mental reflexes, and the mental toughness, to go through both the

That phrase and “Itty Bitty Tittie Committee” will haunt me forevermore.

People are terrible. That’s really sad to hear. :( Words really hurt and people always seem to forget that.

Bra trauma, oh lordy, bra trauma.

Now playing

There are so many to choose from, but I think the Graham Norton interview I’m fondest of is this one with and Miriam Margolyes. It’s INSANE. And heartwarming. And filthy enough to make a sailor join a nunnery. I love how it starts out with Miriam being astonishingly weird and proceeds to get even weirder.

I haven’t actually listened to the album, but I wanted to give you props for (correctly) italicizing the name of the album and then putting the name of a song in quotation marks. Thumbs up from a cranky English professor.

Favorite song from 25?

Saint Augustine of Hippo, born in what is now Algeria, and Emperor Septimius Severus, born in what is now Libya, were both of Italian descent, though they are also believed to have Carthaginian and native North African ancestry (Berber for Augustine, Libyan for Severus).

There is a series of measurements taken of various parts of the skeleton. There is a range for males and females. These ranges overlap, but when there is no other defining trait to specify the sex the measurements are taken en toto and used to determine sex. I’m assuming what they mean here is that all of the

I too dislike the “they’re/we’re pregnant!” construction.

NO. Princess Sofia is pregnant. They are both expecting a baby, but unless Prince Carl Phillip has some incredibly rare biological abnormalities, he is definitely not pregnant.

So it’s a gothic “Elf on a Shelf”?