Lady Pi

The news agencies seem to be falling for “internet pranks” at a higher rate than email pen-pals with deposed Nigerian Princes.

See also: “they shouldn’t have so many children” and “I don't want sex ed being taught in schools!"

Schrödinger’s Poor: simultaneously working too many menial jobs to properly raise their terrible children while also lazily living off of welfare.

their mothers work multiple jobs

we already are accepting of this. this has been the new normal for way too long. Obama was right, doing nothing is a choice and the USA has chosen to do nothing.

It’s almost comical now, isn’t it? Almost...

Now that you mention it, where IS the law-abiding open-carry person who will shut this down?


I fucking dare the NRA assholes to say the problem is people in Texas don’t have free enough access to guns. I FUCKING DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU.’s Walmart. A Texas Walmart. Where is the good guy with the gun? Because isn’t that why we have a second amendment?

because we refuse to make any changes.

People, can we just fucking not? God, my heart....I just want to wrap my arms around everyone.

Racism and sexism is more ubiquitous in the technology field than fucking iPhones. Remember the conventions where white males got upset at people getting upset at the constant sexist bullshit? As long as society portrays these folks as quirky nerds with dissociative personalities who mean well instead of them just

I think it’s pretty clear that Gizmodo is reporting these as rumors and said very clearly that they are looking for confirmation before they publish more. That’s hardly a “conviction.”

Men do this everywhere. All countries, all races, all religions, and certainly all jobs. Don’t blame Tor, blame men.

SO there’s a girl in my degree who has been in a number of my tutorials for the past several years. While I pride myself on being able to read people, she’s always been a source of frustration for me because I’ve never been able to tell if she was smart or not. Our professor once complimented her on one of her essays,

An armed white guy.

Funny how when a white guy tries to escape police custody he’s subdued with pepper spray and a taser instead of being shot and killed.

“Private ownership of cars is unnecessary.”

Reminds me of Shibuya crossing in Tokyo.