Lady Pi

i also really respect - as a fellow ex-mormon - that she doesn’t shy away from saying that the church fucked her up. i like that she calls out specific behaviors and dialogues and people who told her the wrong things. i’m impressed she does it with as much gentleness and dignity as she does.

Forgive me if I’ve mentioned this here before, but: I met her once, briefly, and not only is she an amazing human being, but she’s the only person I’ve ever seen in real life with a radiance around her, like she stepped out of a Renaissance painting of a saint or something.

I love that she is using her experience to comment and constructively criticize the rape culture we have all around us. She is SO bright and thoughtful, and I really am inspired by the way she took something so terrible in her life and is using it to help other people. I believe she can make a difference in the way

I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.

Keep fucking rocking, Elizabeth Smart! That’s all I’ve got. I have no snark or cynicism to give. Just keep being an amazing human being.

I’m in college and I have so many people asking for some of my meds. Like okay:

Amen. Can people please demonstrate a little nuance when writing about ADHD and its treatment? Not to mention the upsides, like enhanced creativity, hyperfocus, increased physical and mental energy, etc. Or the interesting collision of gender socialization and neurochemistry in explaining how ADHD can present so

In other countries it’s actually illegal. Only non-presciption drugs can be advertised.

and who wants low level extended release amphetamines anyway?! that shit does NOTHING to get you high...

I was coming here to say basically all of this. ADHD SISTERS 4 LYFE!!!!

Yeah, agreed that controlled substances shouldn’t taste like candy. That is asking for trouble.

EVERYONE PANIC! They flavor most kid’s meds. Lock up your scripts, problem solved.

i got like 4 minutes into it and then decided i wasnt in the mood. maybe i will try again

I was talking with my husband about the possibility of cancelling cable when our current contract it up. His question for me: “What about PBS and Jeopardy? We aren’t set up for a TV antenna!”

The Dads episode is perfect!!

This is exactly why network TV is mostly watched by old people. As I’ve said before, I have cable for the following reasons: Food Network (because I don’t always want to wait a day), HGTV and financial news (yeah, yeah, there are apps for that, but sometimes, I want to watch interviews). I also watch a bit of PBS here

I am not a huge Aziz Ansari fan - I have tried to watch his stand-up before and it did nothing for me. I started watching the show though and although I wasn’t a huge fan of the first episode with the kids but by the end of the first season I was hooked. This is a damn good show. The episode with the dads and the

I was once a passionate Dylan admirer, and then upon hearing about some of the more unsavory facets of his character — his treatment of women both personally and professionally in particular — all of it turned acrid, sour, and I could no longer listen to any of his music. I am not the kind who can separate the person

Up yours Doctor Luke

Two things: