Lady Pi

“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.

I knew I was pregnant all four times before I was even a day late. And the pregnancy tests were positive the three times I tested that early.

Technically we are all perpetually two weeks pregnant... even when we’re not. #science

I found out at almost exactly four weeks, because I was trying to get knocked up and tested before I was even late. She would basically have to have peed on a stick and then immediately have called the tabloids, so I side eye her whole “I didn’t want anybody to know yet” thing.

I think she’s going by layman’s terms...i.e. 4 weeks since conception.

When my friend went to her first gyno appointment for birth control, she found out she was pregnant and the doctor said she was 5 weeks along. But when she got an abortion two weeks later, they said she was 6 weeks along and the first doctor was off by a week (I guess she was off because she was determining it off of

You also can’t claim “Very few people who are old enough to remember the case in the early 90s believe Dylan” because there’s no accurate way to measure that. What can be said, however, is that, most often, when people have expressed doubt about Dylan’s story, it has been based on misinformation like you have here

The number of people who have no fucks to give for Allen’s behaviour really amplifies the horror of his behaviour.

That she came in via H1-B is awful. I have PhD’s in mathematics sweating out the h1-B lottery each year, hoping they are not on a plane back to whatever country they came from. Many don’t get selected and must leave. It’s a very competitive program, built to help fill the massive number of jobs available for highly

see reputable

The offscreen wail that followed that joke killed me.

I thought he was fucking hilarious too. That crowd needs to pull the sticks out of their asses.

I have seen a bunch of #hottakes today talking about how Wilmore’s timing was inappropriate because it was a dignified event.

I hope they rain the 💯’s on him tomorrow on the show. He has truly earned them. Bonus points for making white CNN correspondents explode with his use of the n-word.

I was cracking up (or cringing in a good way) almost the entire time. The “Obama’s hair is so white it says all lives matter” killed me. And the part about Morning Joe was so incredibly real. Don Lemon actually handled it the best in my opinion. Yes he flipped him off but it was obviously in a joking way.

To be fair, most white people are comfortable with jokes about race as long as they’re the ones making it, not the ones receiving it. At least from my experience. Props to Wilmore though. His show deserves more recognition than it gets.

I like CSPAN, but his HDMI1 joke cracked me up

People are fucking weird. This was HILARIOUS. And all the more so by how many complete cringe worthy moments there were, of all these media people being entirely unable to laugh at them selves. Did you guys see Blitzer’s face?? If eyes could kill, Larry would be dead. Dead, I tell ya.

I think Larry was the perfect choice. He made all the jokes I thought he would...