Jean Grey

If you go to any restaurant in America, even a quite good one, they will bring you water that is no longer boiling (and, if it’s really bad, has never been properly boiling at all) and a bag to dunk yourself. This is a shitty way to make tea because it will get you shitty tea, regardless of where the leaves come from,

For the last decade of his life, my grandfather recieved nearly 100% of his nourishment from a small rotation of restaurants he would frequent for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am forever grateful to the wait staff of those 5 or 6 restaurants who for at least 10 years would read the same few newspaper clippings he

I am from Wales but was raised in the US. The tea might be the same but the way of making it isn’t. If I order tea at a restaurant, it will taste like shit.

Americans do have good tea. The difference is that if you order tea at many (most in my experience) places in America you don’t get that tea. You get Lipton’s which is horrible. In Britian places that offer tea have good or really good tea. I love tea and ordered it everywhere when I lived in Ireland. I don’t order it

My mother and I were having lunch one day when I told her a story about a terrible old man I had recently worked with. He was mean to everyone. His kids, the staff at the retirement facility, passers by - everyone. I wondered aloud what makes people behave like that toward others.

I was so worried that every story was going to begin with a college student stating “Some old guy/woman, probably about 50 years old” and then force me cry through the entire post.

My favorite regular from my serving days was Mr. Bartle. Never a fuss, tipped well, knew our names and always asked how my college studies were going. When he took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Galapagos Islands (in his mid-70s), on his return he came in one afternoon when he knew it would be slow to show us his

As an avid multi-cups a day tea drinker, that definition is spot on. Feeling sad? Cup of tea. Celebrating? Cup of tea. Your head’s come off? Cup of tea. You’re dead? Cup of tea.

In the last couple years of my grandma’s life, she stopped giving any fucks and would wear slippers out to dinner. She would get up from the table the very instant she finished her food and race out to the car, no matter where in the meal the rest of us were. And she upped her one glass of Sauvignon blanc with ice

Ding, ding, ding, yep. As an only child of two crazy-ass narcissists who have each been in and out of my life for long periods of time, I concur that this is basic narcissistic parental reasoning. And just the fact that he could write this out and not pick up one single clue about the disconnect in his relationship

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.

In some other timeline where I didn’t step in, my friend might have had a good crazy wedding hookup story to contribute. She and a super hot (although in retrospect maybe he was just British) groomsman were drunkenly making out a bunch at the reception, and as we were about to leave, he was definitely insinuating that

This is a long one, but I think it’s pretty great. Please excuse any typos.

Two friends from college got married, and it was a doozy of a wedding. My friends actually went to college with my best friend from high school, so over the course of college and the following decade her friends became mine, and vice versa.

This is not my story. I was merely an observer on this crazy wedding hook-up ride.

I was a bridesmaid in a close friend’s wedding. Got to the rehearsal, noticed that her three-years-younger brother had gotten SUPER cute since I last saw him, brought him back to my place after the reception and showed him a REAL good time. He ended up spending the night with me and trying to sneak back into the hotel

I’m in agreement with the vast majority of the comments on this post which are all variations of “Hugh Hefner is a known shitbag and of course she wants the spotlight and tons of cash for a book deal.” I did not say she deserved to be drugged or abused of whateverthefuck this small pile-on is saying. I’m saying Hugh

Women aren’t held “at gunpoint, against their will” in emotionally abusive relationships, so do you absolve those husbands/boyfriends as well?

It’s a nice point, but that choice of wording isn’t helping people like myself with Borderline Personality Disorder. That’s a pretty serious one that leads to “crazy” behavior around others. Keep in mind that some of us mentally ill aren’t able to “pass” and are very difficult for people to work with. It would be

I entirely disagree. To go into therapy with “goals” assumes that you know what the problem is. You don’t. You might have symptoms (depression, anxiety, panic) but those are mere symptoms. The work of therapy isn’t just putting a bandaid over symptoms (because psychological symptoms have a way of manifesting