
So true! You could also flash them with a million candle light flash light too. As it is currently dark 21 hrs a day here I use my sunglasses-thought I was the only one.

OMG you just won the internet! COTD

It’s even better if you have fog lights and a light bar!

So that was you last night? silly, you can’t see better in blowing snow with high beams on. I totally wanted to slam on my brakes-but you fessed up, I’ll let you slide :)

Love your AVATAR! when I first saw this article I thought it was a Dodge LOL.


I believe that is an Archer class starship :) eh? I agree tho-husband is from Canada!

Still my fav. I have seen many shows on TV lately using obscure cool cars. The Wartburg comes to mind as of late. My husband always askes me what kind of car is this or that.

great show!

Oh No plaid tramatized my eyes :)

My friend has one-Yes you can course he has nerves of steel! as you are only one inch off the ground!

Brings back so many memories! Thanks :) My favorite unusual off roader was a pinto station wagon! bolt the car seats in the back and go for it! Good times, My parents Willy’s and my parents line “Let’s see if we can get this stuck!” when I was 5. Had the racing off road bug since.

The only rusty car I will work on would be mine :) I totally agree, as a co-owner of a shop.

A billion stars for you sir!!!

I’m not alone-Thank you! I watched BSG and I loved it! I faithfully watch 4 shows which three of them are on hiatus (Black Sails-Yay). I want to put my energy in good shows. Hell on Wheels- good editing, continuty, and good acting.

My husband will still watch it, I have stopped. That said I’m a fan of the books and feel GRRM has sold out, no respect for his fans-he made his millions and left book readers hanging in the wind. It is world history with dragons in the end.

Good for you! I wish more shows would teach and not just pick and preach-one reason I hate some shows. I have a lot of LGBT friends, you know-we all have respect for each other and have fun, some TV shows do not handle the subject very well, which is sad. As with Catlin-show understanding. We are all just people in

Wow, quite a few haters here! Growing up We never had a TV, I look back now and feel that I missed nothing! The moon landing we watched at school. My kids never had a TV and they missed Nothing, all news worthy events they watched at school.

Marines Rock!!

No NASCAR yay! a list I agree with all entries. Now we all just need to get friends to watch the IMSA!!