Lady Miss Udo Kier

To be fair, Arbuckle probably was innocent. He was a beloved comedian with a family-friendly reputation who didn’t want anyone to know he was stepping out on his wife (from whom he’d secretly been separated for several years). And his “victim” was a respectable career woman who wasn’t exactly going to advertise that


I doubt you’ll hear a peep about anything remotely controversial. The CMAs know their audience: People who consider being ignorant their patriotic duty.

“Don’t bring your gun control questions to the CMAs, son.

I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; Woody Harrleson is putting LBJ into office, just like his father did.

I think you’re expressing some of the self-reflection that a lot of guys (including me) are experiencing after these allegations have become news. Am I a creep? Have I been a creep? I know for a fact that the answer to the latter is “yes, on some occasions, I’ve been a creep.” As to the former, I can evaluate my past

But really if you want to put your burger game on the next level the lettuce and whatnot are below the patty to protect the bottom bun from the juices of the meat. That’s high level burger stuff though.

I should add that fascism is enormously appealing to stupid people. It offers simple, uncomplicated solutions that have the side benefit of humiliating the Other.

When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”