Lady Miss Udo Kier

Looks like you're not familiar with the oeuvre of Oscar Middlebrow.

No lie, I am listening to Gary Numan's "I Dream of Wires" at this very instance. Spooky. I haven't heard about the documentary, so thanks for the tip.

Gladys Knight's cousins :(

Pips did it first!

Three times, actually. "The Slits" is used more frequently in this article than "The Slants."

Kim, er?

"Ms" was actually invented in the 17th century, but you're right that it didn't become widely used until the 1970s. (And right about longing vs. adoring, as well.)

Just like how Jérémie Renier is the French knockoff of Jeremy Renner.

She doesn't have pink hair when she's a nun. She dyes it on her visit home.

The 50th anniversary was in August, which is probably why there's so much attention focused on it. I saw this at SxSW (best of the festival, IMO) and the director made a point that he hoped it would get released this year. I was expecting it to end up on American Experience or something, so it's cool that it's getting

Too Lies

"Bee-ah-fra." He says it himself in the Tapeheads clip.

I suspect one of the members of '90s boyband 98 Degrees is behind this. Stay out of it, Nick Lachey!

Incidentally, Bettye LaVette released a cover this year of "Unbelievable" from Under the Red Sky.

Maybe D'Angelo meant they show the making of the '70s movie as part of this movie?

The singer Kelis got her name from a portmanteau of her parents' names, Kenneth and Eveliss.

What fascinates me is that they had "A beautiful single by a beautiful couple" sitting right there!

Shouldn't he be doing this for Five Years?

Well, anyone pretending to be Bowie must be a real cracked actor.

I use Serial!