
Dude sure seems to enjoy both the pick and roll, and the double team.

you’d bring your friends Leo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. And then you would leave.”

Not a lot of these youngsters will get this one, but +1

I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”

Counterpoint: is the perfect place to stop for InNOut between Vegas and LA/SoCal

[scribble notes furiously]

You’ve really cut to the core of this issue Barry. Today is the day to do something meaningful because damn it, we may not have tomorrow.

Now playing

My favorite Sager and KG moment. Nothing snarky to add, Cancer sucks.

Why do we keep making Nicki share the stage with other people at the VMAs? LET NICKI SHINE ON HER OWN.

It looks like something I would’ve loved to wear to da clubz when I was 19.

I mean, I addressed this to vapid, racist wingers like you. You seem to have read it, and yet you say the same stupid things you always say.

Nah. Murders in Chicago are near historic lows. More people were murdered in Chicago in 1928 than were murdered in 2015:

Colin Kapernick should stick to *watches recent game film* uh actually politics and social media

Pence is more scary to me than Trump. People who want to break away the separation between church and state are dangerous. Just look at how Turkey is now that they have a non-secular leader.

In my opinion, she is underrated as a comedic actress. She had great timing. I particularly love her in Some Like It Hot.

After viewing the video clip several times I believe that the ‘flying’ item in question is actually Texeira’s soul.

Thanks Tumblr!

I spent a year in Korea and it was the easiest tour I ever did. I can’t wait till we reach peak Nationalism and we start doing surprise reunions after a two month TDY to Florida.

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

I don’t think it can be pointed out often enough the degree to which the NFL, in actuality, does not give a shit about the military but uses the partnership for 1) profit and 2) so that all the military nomenclature that is shit out the mouths of the Bucks and Nantzes of the world of a thin veneer of support from the