Feels great knowing my tits hold so much power over men.
You know how I know hornets are assholes? It stung me, I slapped it, it got hella raw and came back and stung me again. They start it.
I endured further complications after delivery and he ended up being the only doctor during the whole ordeal that I had a positive experience with. I wrote his superior a very long letter commending his “expertise, bed side manner and genuine concern for me and my son in the days and weeks after my delivery.” Very…
It was ...I lack adjectives to describe the pain. Anyways, the trade off is that I can endure more pain now than ever before. The good Major taught me some breathing exercises that have really helped me through some pretty should be painful injuries .
But I cried when I got bit twice by the same hornet last summer and…
So far, I simply tell I’m “ they sliced me open and ripped you out of my stomach” He likes when I put it that way.
See , after that c-section experience I’m like “oh , I seemed to have stabbed my foot with my brand new Chef’s Knife. fiddle lee dee. I shall drive myself to the ER.”
“Oh , ho hum I broke my ankle hiking. I’ll just take some deep breaths and make an appointment for Monday. No need to rush.”
Thanks for the clarification. Once you mentioned the catheter, it triggered my memory of them telling me (after the fact) that the catheter was the problem. If I am recalling correctly, while in the OR they tried to adjust it or talked about removing it, but for what ever reason, it did not work out.
I really…
In the moment I thought “that sounds dumb” . Then months later my husband was like “but do you realize what you actually went through”?
ha! I didn’t want to use his real name, I don’t know if he’s Active Duty still and if so, where he is .
I’ve actually had two real life horror stories regarding anesthesia (won’t get graphic but if you’re squeamish/sensitive stop reading)
The wisdom teeth: i was 11 maybe just turned 12. Everything par for the course until midway through the surgery when I woke up as if startled by an earthquake or a bad dream. Both the…
I woke up in the middle of my wisdom teeth removal surgery and it was and continues to be the most terrifying thing I’ve experienced
I’m anti-death penalty too ,but have felt/said the same thing. Here’s an internet hug to you.
and women and the word abuser
So are you saying you want to tell someone how to feel on a moral level when you have decided they lack the moral fiber to do so on their own? Do we all get to do that because that sounds messy and complicated. Your ideologies might not mesh with mine ; can I shame you into doing what I think you should do ?
I’m more…
Rubio’s smile is slightly less creepy than Ted Cruz’s smile (which looks like he’s trying to poop while people are taking his photo)
Nixon that’s a face we could have seen only in portrait form and been fine as Americans
I’d say Kennedy , Obama , Reagan
You know how I know this isn’t a sick burn? Because this woman is dumb; fetuses are aborted not people. Take a HS freshman science class then come back with more “ sick burns"
uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck you for being clever to think of that. (not really fuck you but fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk now I’ll be thinking of that all day)
Bing Crosby introduces the Christmas song White Christmas in the movie Holiday Inn ...which literally has a minstrel show in it .
I’m just saying I like both songs. Does that make me an asshole? No.