Lady Lunch Lady

Being the victim of a crime or a traumatic event doesn’t absolve you from responsibility when there were giant pictures/headlines/warning signs.

I’m sorry you experienced that hell. Nobody should. I hope you’re now safe and well.

lol, I prefer your company to theirs anyway ;)

I HIGHLY recommend the color purple. You can read the book too! Also check your local library. Sometimes they carry the DVD. I know the Seattle Public Library does :)

“You have every right to be angrier than everyone else, yet you’re nothing but kind to me.”

Seconded. Being in a position of privilege means that thinking about “others” isn’t something you do by default; you have to work hard not to forget, so coming across wake-up calls like the ones in this thread is tremendously valuable.

Interesting how some white lady feminist always has a problem with how I say things (speech policing!) and yet I’ve never had a problem with black women. In 24 years of debating everything from sports to politics to stock picks to theology, the root is literally the chillest place I’ve ever hung out. You have every

Which is unfortunate, because it’s such a great place to hear perspectives I don’t get IRL. Its what makes the Internet great and I wish we’d take advantage of it. I mean, it’s really not that difficult to just listen.

It’s such a simple concept and yet...

Not long ago, I used to wish people here would go read The Root for insight. Now, I’m happy they don’t. I’m glad your there, but you seem to be an outlier. Most people go in and start telling black people about who we are and our experiences :-/ And then the regulars there have to stand up and go full on “angry black

PS, it’s kind of funny in a way that *this* would be the point of connection between a middle aged white man and black women. So, in a way, I guess I should thank the myopic white lady feminists!

“fucked up” doesn’t begin to cover it. I could allllmost understand (understand, not condone) it if you were merely being ignored. But being explicitly dismissed like that is shocking, especially given how we men are regularly lectured about not making things about us. And they’re not wrong about that! To do to you

I’ve heard black women talk about this kind of thing before but I’d never actually seen it. Wow. I can’t believe you just literally got called a “distraction.”

Truth. I got shadow banned for pointing out all that “Notorious RBG” stuff they were pushing was “hipster racism” according to their own definition.

The “white woman” stuff is a distraction from her main and very important point.

The “white woman” stuff is a distraction from her main and very important point.

The women in films have to be 10x as hot as the men, at every age. 

Ooh. I missed that bit of info. Interesting indeed...

The “white woman” stuff is a distraction from her main and very important point.

This the kinda comment that gets you banned over here. lol