Lady Lunch Lady

Not bothered.

Yasss! Great video. I had open heart surgery at around the same age (a bit older...) but was nowhere near as mobile as this! Lol.

You obviously get some twisted joy out of hating on anyone you encounter

And you’re 100% correct, fam.

Domestic abuse and IPV always escalates. This is devastating.

I literally replied to your ENTIRE COMMENT, one stupid statement at a time. Nothing is out of context.

She’s placing her child in a pen of rabid dogs. Hope nothing goes wrong.

Looked and wouldn’t have known what the artwork was unless I knew beforehand, especially since the focus is on the kids and all the shit they holding lol.

For real. Penelope Cruz looks terrible. 

what the everloving fuck.

How “irresponsible” to pull a potential abusers music. Because they are entitled to a label why??

Ben doesn’t want to work on themselves or make this right. The re-branding is more of a salvaging of the fan base who wasn’t immediately turned off by the accusations and the messy queens who just don’t care

“There are vastly different pictures being painted depending on whether you just listen to the victim [...] versus if you put stock in the random rumors, which make Ben out to be a serial rapist who is just straight up assaulting people in public on the reg.”

Gonna have to narrow that field.

I can trace this back to the white lady on the couch with Denzel Washington in the Mighty Quinn.

Isn’t he now one of many Ferguson organizers who have now died mysteriously?

Hey Paul I’m flagging you for harassment. FOH dude 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏾🖕🏿

LSD might not be your friend.