Lady Lunch Lady

We don’t have to choose: it’s both!

Exactly. You can only Blame so much on parents when there’s a nazi in the white house and a number of blonde white women who make a living spouting racist lies on every tv channel. Their parents probably aren’t great but youth culture and pop culture is saturated with racism and Whites Behaving Badly

Tomi Lahren and Alex Jones

Didn’t happen. Gtfo.

Unless the bushes are bulletproof it doesn’t matter.

Fam, we got to stop responding to obvious trolls. They’re here to be seen, don’t let them be. White opinions are everywhere. You don’t have to give them yet another platform.

It’s only easy to “say” when it’s not your family under attack.

I’m not surprised nazi co-conspirators didn’t speak out. I wouldn’t in that sort of environment.

This comment assumes that “making society safer” is somehow a priority of the police.

A real man grabs a gun before “confronting” kids, in case he starts to lose the fight he’s picking.

So you’re ok with getting shot at because some Leo thought you gave him stink eye? Or are you only ok with cops beating up and shooting at black kids?

Please dismiss cayman. If you give naughty children attention they’ll just act up more.

The video states he wasn’t punished.

Racism isn’t hurt feelings, dip.

Yes. Also coming in here and calling us n*ggers. That also makes you racist.

So you’re 32, calling Black people n*ggers and nogs, but still gonna claim ignorance?


“you mean actually writing and calling my constituents and actively explaining to my father why voting for trump is bad”

White anti-racists without any POC in their circle of friends is hella suspect