Lady Lunch Lady

What are you even talking about

What yhe hell are you talking about

Just some random adults who heard a trans kid was being bullied and wanted to join in. Wtf.

By using “boys” and “transboys” (not a word, btw. Trans is a descriptor) you’re othering trans children. Trans boys are boys, not some dangerous Other that cis boys must be protected from. Gavin deserves the same rights and privileges as other boys his age.

You racist ass foh

colonization is not immigration. This meme needs to die.

Fuck that guy

You’re my favorite bridge troll.

I went to a Christian high school. So many virgins throwing they mouth and ass around

Get these tomatoes out of my salad


Righteous gifs

I read that her husband is undocumented.

Idk. I’ve had my ssn stolen snd it was a headache, but Id rather go thru that bullshit a hundred times over than be forcefully separated from my family and thrown into a dangerous and unknown future.

Time to Lorena Bobbitt these fucking dirtbags.

I need IRL Blocked to be a thing

Both of the podcasts are fucking awesome.

You have really good skin, Bobby.

Her last 3 albums get reg play at discos and gay clubs. And no way she’s been 10 years without a radio hit.