
i’m trying to buy a house right now.

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Fun fact: Fred Armisen did his pitch-perfect Penny Marshall impression for this memoir’s official book trailer. In it, Penny answers a phone call from Carrie.

Contrary to this Hank character’s perception of Austin, it’s actually a super liberal and down to earth city. sure, it’s had it’s influx of californians benefitting from the lower cost of living, etc. but the heart of austin is still there. Spoken as an austinite. Fuck you, Hank.

Actually, having lived in both cities, I can tell you Portland copied Austin. And don’t pretend Portland isn’t another group of largely white California hipsters surrounded by a sea of rednecks.

Hey, there are a lot of us liberals in the center of the country that a) don’t want to be abandoned in the Republic of Gilead and b) don’t appreciate being treated like we don’t exist by either party. We are also fighting, and voting, and doing our damnedest to spread progressivism. Not to mention that abandonning the

They have been effectively doing it for years. They have a great track record for overturning so-called religious freedom laws that only benefit Christianity, or junk like this that assigns sacred value based on a small percentage of the population’s personal beliefs.

The Satanists care more about the rights of others more than the Christians. Let that sink in.

Nope, because he’s Luke and happy to stand by and be friends until his moment arrives.

I prefer the backwards baseball cap to the hairpiece, quite frankly...

Oh my God yes. Thank you for saying it.

Personally, I don’t care if the FLOTUS has semi-nude pics floating about, especially if she was a model. But, this is a good time to remember that many of the people now praising Melania were giving Michelle shit over showing her bare arms just a few years ago.

You missed about 35 states.