
Censorship isn’t the answer. Good parenting is. Let’s not put the onus on somebody/something else.

Things like “Ammosexuals” is why no one of importance takes your side seriously, lol.

Welp this is the exact attitude I was hoping to avoid from what I assume are “Adults”. But whatever, I was trying to start a rational conversation but as it always goes with Lefties, you just aren’t capable. So i’ll leave it with this....
I’m a female. I’m a Trump voter. I’m glad Hilary lost. No I didn’t vote that way

It’s all fun and games until your guns become her guns and your ammo becomes her ammo.

Why should he have to act ashamed of something he values and enjoys just to placate some chick?

Are there 1st amendment nut jobs? What about 13th amendment nut jobs? That’s a pretty important one too.

They are all important and I find it so bizarre that people like to call another person a nut job because they feel the need to protect it. Or is it just because you hate guns? Because I find that to be the case

It’s absurd that a temporary form of humanitarian assistance has turned into a a permanent, lifetime grant of residency. It was never intended to be permanent. How on earth is it reasonable to justify, 20 years after the hurricane, that the humanitarian assistance is still needed?

Why is this a problem? We protect way less important things with firearms, so why not kids?
If a trained teacher, a former military/police, or someone in the reserves want to conceal carry in a school they should have every right. Thats the fun thing about conceal carry, you don’t know who is and who isn’t. They are

Soooo get rid of it because you don’t agree? Does the first amendment only apply to you people when it concerns you?

I don’t really care much for the NRA as a gun owner, but does it really bother you that much that they have a channel? Just don’t download it....?

While I am not the biggest supporter of the NRA , I do think they are the best chance for law abiding citizens have for representation.
The bottom line is that the 1% of crazy people who commit mass murder with a gun are infringing on the rights of the 99% who aren’t.

This entire situation could have been avoided if

When I come across a article that reads “assault weapon” I automatically know it is written by a democrat because it’s not a real thing.
It’s a political term made up years ago to distinguish a type of gun. I can easily show you 2 of the same types of gun, same in caliber and magazine and literally the only difference

All I have been hearing from people for the past week is that they want to give up their 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendment rights in order to “be safe”. Good to know some people have zero clue why we have the rights that we do. I for one believe in less government control over us but hey, I guess I just against a future

More like: “Why a DNA test is actually a really bad gift....this week because they aren’t a sponsor right now”You guys were hucking DNA kits like crazy for the past month. Then perm greying any comments that brought up valid points

“blood is not thicker than safety.”

It’s a sad day when people clamp down on freedom of speech. Yes, even hate speech.

I’d like the TSA to please point out the clause in the second amendment which which negates the phrase “shall not be infringed” just because you go to the airport.

If our founding fathers would have thought it necessary to restrict our god given right to carry firearms on airplanes, then they would have included that