Men thinking a 13 year old is too young to do any number of things, but plenty old enough to gratify adults sexually. There’s no limit to the ways a horny asshole will empathize with and prioritize the needs of other horny assholes.
Men thinking a 13 year old is too young to do any number of things, but plenty old enough to gratify adults sexually. There’s no limit to the ways a horny asshole will empathize with and prioritize the needs of other horny assholes.
Yeah, agree about the reaction to his words and attitude.
Or if the guy doesn’t like the post-sex outcome, he magically doesn’t have autonomy anymore and it’s the woman’s fault now.
Women are cast as the moral backbone of the society, so they become the custodians of sex. It’s men’s to take and women’s to keep. A woman’s worth is tied to how fiercely she guards it, so boys are conditioned to think ‘good girls’ say no and they are the ones worth pursuing. Her worth increases the more they have to…
Are these new rules inconvenient and cumbersome? Yeah.
there is so much to unwrap in Deneuve’s and her cohorts ridiculous outburst (e.g., white privilege, struggle for relevancy, a misplaced sense of French cultural superiority (uggh we get it, we get it - you like to fuck - how French of you) and so much more...) but the worst is the inability to hear what so many…
Alcoholics, by definition, do not “lack self control,” you silly child. They have a disease. Do people with AIDS “lack self control” because they can’t fully manipulate the way their immune system behaves? Put in very elementary terms, disease causes our bodily systems to malfunction. It affects our organs and makes…
You’re unknowingly parroting bad science. It’s not just genetic abnormalities that cause problems with weight, nor is it about self-control. Hormones play one of the BIGGEST (if not THE biggest) roles in maintaining/not-maintaining a healthy weight. (Example: when your estrogen drops your body will hold onto weight…
I mean, what’s your sample size? Because that “conspicuous pattern” wouldn’t seem to include Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, George H.W. Bush, R. Kelly, Mark Halperin, Terry Richardson, Bill Cosby, Twiggy Ramirez, Ethan Kath, or most of the other dudes whose shitty, abusive behavior has been publicly discussed in the…
I feel weird about all the fat-shaming comments I’ve been seeing on Jezebel since the Weinstein scandal broke. It literally has nothing to do with them being fat, and being fat has only a very tenuous relationship with self-control. It also seems quite a dangerous link to draw in cases like this, where an abuser’s…
You and I have very different memories of the effect the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings had. I was 40 at the time and it seemed to me that things really didn’t change that much at all. And I remember how Anita Hill was just almost universally crucified by men for her testimony, and by some women as well.
This is basically blaming the other partner for someone’s cheating. Sure, sometimes people are driven to cheat (still doesn’t make it ok tho). However, 9 times out of 10 this is just an excuse cheaters use so they can sleep soundly at night. “She NEVER folded my laundry the way I like it even though I told her SO…
Here’s what I can’t figure out. Straight guys go around trying desperately to stick their dicks into any available vaginas. So much so that they get angry and bitter whenever that doesn’t happen. Then they turn around and act surprised that women have lots of choices of dicks to place into their vaginas. These guys…
Well then, I’m sure that you know, as a nurse, how inappropriate and disgusting it is to speculate on a patient that you haven’t interviewed or examined. And how if you had, you couldn’t talk about it. And as a nurse, in the medical profession, how inappropriate it is to call someone a liar. If you were a rando…
I don’t give two wahoos about Aaron Carter, but I believe the eating disorder part.
everyone w/hernia or knows someone w/hernia: just because your hernia or the person’s hernia you know doesn’t present medically the same as Aaron Carter’s hernia, doesn’t mean his hernia issues are not legit /rant
Trump’s goal is to set up his kids to be the next Kennedys.
Yes, you *can* wash a pillow. That doesn’t mean you should.
My revenge body was to get in a relationship with a guy even bigger than my ex. I really never cared that my ex was carrying extra weight, but he sure cared about my up and down weight. I cared how he treated me. He could come back with a 6 pack, and I wouldn’t give 2 shits. He’d still be an abusive ass.