
As a Norwegian I found this very puzzling so thanks for that explanation, I had to google it just to make sure you were right. According to Wikipedia the company was co-founded by a Norwegian in 1966, but is Bermuda-incorporated and US-headquartered.

While I do agree that she is one of the least interesting characters on the show, I do not get the active dislike of Piper. She serves her purpose of showcasing ridiculously out of touch white liberal women, and doesn’t seem to take much screen time away from the more compelling storylines anymore.

He’s busy being different kind of creep on How to get away with murder.

I’ve been saying of a while now that Ted Cruz reminds me of that evil alien in Men in Black who is wearing a human corps for a suit. Perhaps I’ve been a fool to so casually dismiss claims of reptilians infiltrating our ruling classes?

I always go to the daily show's page, but perhaps the only reason I can watch from that page in my country is because the show isn't aired on tv over here(?)

You think gay people are gross, but you tolerate them, how mighty big of you!

Just because the word 'privilege' is used does not mean that anyone is trying to equate your struggle to that of an overweight white person. We need to stop comparing privileges, as a gay woman I get annoyed at the whole 'gay is the new black', the struggles are not the same. I can have white privilege, you can have

As a gay woman I wonder what the etiquette is for wearing a classy suit.

Zadie Smith is gorgeous, so I understand the impulse to make her photo a large one. But the placement comes off as slightly misleading.

What's your angle?