lady laz

Yeah, if they would only say it differently, using different words, or maybe a different tone, or perhaps on a different day, or maybe in a different cycle of the moon, or like possibly they could say it in a box, I don’t know, maybe people would listen if they said it with a fox, maybe they could say it using

This was my thinking as well. Thank you. :-)

Yeah...anyone who reacts like that to you saying you want to bring a friend is probably up to something. I have no doubt you did the right thing.

Thanks Anna. Apparently the whole internet needs to come out about their Terry Richardson sex assault story before he quits getting covers...

From then on, nothing that happened to me was that big a deal.

I have to wonder... everyone knows Terry Richardson is a predator, and everyone says he comes off as a creep even when you're not one of his victims, so why does he still have so much clout?

I used to do some soft-core fetish modeling. I met this photographer once who asked if he could shoot me, and something felt off, so I told him, "Sure! Give me some dates and times and I'll run them by the friend that comes with me." I didn't always bring a friend to chaperone. If the photographer was someone I knew

When I was younger, I never understood why victims of sexual abuse stayed quiet, "for such a long time." Then I grew up, and realized that one of my privileges is that if a crime is committed against me, I have no fear of reporting it, and know that I won't suffer any social stigma. This is an unacceptable state of

We need to become a culture of rapist shamers. Women need to stop internalizing shame and rightly projecting onto our attackers. I have been this woman so many times. Blowing off the most horrifying shit because I didn't want to be a seen as a "victim" or a weak woman. But now when I think back to the women who

I'm adding this guy to my list of people I'd like to have 5 minutes alone with in a locked room and ooops! Brought a straight razor...

Your article really highlights how easy it is, as a woman, to dismiss the harassment and 'minor' assaults as "no big deal". We too easily accept that a certain amount of abuse is expected, commonplace. I'm glad you drew a line and exposed this creep as the sick predator he is.

Nobody's that good.

Thank you so much for sharing this.

The entertainment industry is full of predators, sexual sadists, plain old sadists, and power trippers. Decision makers in his industry likely relate to the power trips he goes on in his catalog because they're mostly cut from the same cloth.

Frankly, most of the people Richardson rubs elbows with probably knows a few

Anna, you have my endless respect and admiration for speaking out. I hope that Richardson's history of sexual predation and assault will finally be shut down (along with all the people who abet and apologize for him).

Thank you for sharing. You're a brave person for standing up and speaking your truth.

My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.

Richardson is a predator and you should be commended for speaking out.

Thank you. Smart and brave and spot on.