Punctuation is your friend, friend. Learn to use it!
Punctuation is your friend, friend. Learn to use it!
A) Jezebel had a full page piece in support of Lupita’s op-ed within hours of it coming out.
B) The Weinstein response hit sometime late yesterday and got the low billing it deserves, in the next available Dirt Bag. Especially considering it hit right before the weekend and we know they switch over to night/weekend…
Come on now, Lupita is worshipped on Jezebel. I don’t understand why you are going after white women as if women of all ethnicities can’t also be problematic
Cue 500 commenters coming here to tell you that greek life isn’t like that at all and charity and friends for the rest of your life and professional opportunities.
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
Ever since the Tilda Swinton ‘fight’ I’ve taken everything Cho says with a grain of salt. She seems to have a flair for the dramatic, which doesn’t help us when we want to be taken seriously regarding our concerns over lack of diversity.
The first work of art was pretty tone-deaf...but it’s also pretty tone-deaf to say that this is “not about censorship” when you are explicitly asking for someone to be censored and blacklisted.
Your commment was generally odd. And given that there aren’t means of evaluating the crossfit rankings, that phrase in particularly is a bit funny.
What’s with the adamant “I won’t ask her to open my pickle jar” stance? Is this a sex thing? Or are you saying your masculinity is threatened by your girlfriend’s strength? Or is this humblecuck (brag about your girlfriend but make sure everyone knows you’re still dominant)?
“elite CrossFit athlete”
I just ate a large pepperoni pizza with a side of cheese bread in about 45 minutes, so I feel pretty good about myself.
I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.
Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!
You stole this from The Slot post last night, and you know it.
BREAKING: Management thinks spending money on labour is bad