randall pink

Good tip. We also got one of those co-sleeper things for super cheap on craigslist (they are sooo expensive in Canada), but I’ll stash baby change stuff everywhere.

Yes this. I have been probiotic-ing like mad through my whole pregnancy actually, and once the midwife gives us the go ahead will be supplementing the baby with probiotics since there won’t be exposure to vaginal flora.

It is my first. I expect to be wiped right out by the milk thing. Fortunately I’ll have lots of help as my husband doesn’t go back to work until like May. So there’s that.

My mom had a major stomach surgery just after my brother was born and her main advice was the pillow thing. I’ll definitely be bringing extras to the hospital (though I’m sure they have lots). But basically I don’t go anywhere without extra pillows these days. I feel like such a packrat (and I’m sure having a baby is

Hadn’t thought about the sex thing, but yeah, that makes sense. I hope there won’t be numbness, but I suppose like most of this it’s out of my control. Thanks for the tips though!

I was just reading about this actually. I’m hoping that when I’m ready to go back to yoga it’ll help a lot, but massaging seems key and helps get feeling back. Thanks for the tips.

Haha yes this, best advice yet maybe? Seems fair though since I’ll be doing a significant portion of the work in a (relatively) short period of time beyond the c-section. (Food bag and all.)

I asked my midwife about the weird c-section underwear and she said not to bother. If this was my fourth kid, maybe a different story. Even so the scar has to heal enough first. Hearing all the take it slow stuff is really affirming. Thanks!

I do like Raisin Bran, so there’s that. And staying ahead of the pain (with basically whatever it takes) seems to be a common theme. Good to keep hearing it though so I don’t try and martyr myself. Thanks!

Water and fruit! Added to the list. Happily it’s mandarin orange season so I’ll be eating those like mad. Which will be good to keep things moving. Thanks for the info.

So what was that about the pain meds? ;)

Thanks. It seems like so much of the advice is actually just to chill out. I will definitely follow the Jezzies’ orders.

If you have access to a writing tutor that might be helpful. Usually requires having the paper done at least a few days in advance of your due date, but it can make a big difference. Usually English departments have tutors available, so it might be worth looking at.

Hooray! I hope it’s going well and you guys are having lots of fun. It’s a pretty neat experience right? I’ve especially enjoyed how close pregnancy has brought me and my husband.

He’s been a gem through the pregnancy so I’ve no doubt he’ll continue the helpfulness.

Excellent tips. I had no idea about peppermint oil. But it makes sense since peppermint tea is so helpful for indigestion. Thanks!

This is the tip I hear over and over. I’ll make sure to remind my husband to remind me like you did for your wife. Even though she ignored it. Which I would probably be tempted to do.

Eight days? That is bonkers. Save yourself!

Anyone have a c-section recovery tips? I’m having one in a couple days and while not really nervous, am looking for any advice that gets overlooked.

I love the ad. It strikes me as cheeky and the sleek design pleases the eye. Seems to me it’s only gross if you think vaginas are gross.