
I want the trial to last for a full year and each day they have to pay a $1000 convenience fee for using the courtroom.

Yeah. It is awful to agree with David Spade, but I do. First lady on Ellen? Sure. President on GQ and Bear Grylls? No no no. Just be the president. Leave SNL appearances to candidates, man. Don’t do it.

There is no “scandal” and there never was. Its some bent out of shape politically correct, can never make him happy, idiot who complained that a game, which is based on European folklore with a setting of a European-esque era, had no black people. If the game devs introduced one black person, or person of color to

The humans don’t even consider them as equals, like humans to monkeys. Asking what anyone considers is negated by the fact that the inworld NPCs don’t even consider them close in terms of DNA. You’re stuck on skin color whereas the game goes deeper into racism by exemplifying the horrors and issues that follow racism.

By now? As in youve been teaching me until now? Switch doctors? Is a doctor supposed to teach me why we always have to have multiracial fictional settings? What?

So it can make sense in reality but it can’t make sense in a fictional world? Good luck with that

Narrow minded bigot strikes again. This game is made by Polish developers and they can do whatever they want with it. If Egyptians made Egyptian only cast that’d be fine by me. The fact is you anti-whites are the real racist and haters here. You hate the game because of only certain race is presented in it? Doesn’t

You just said Elves count as not white. Guess what. Elves exist in Witcher 3. So do Dwarves, Hobbits and Gnomes. Other races have been achieved. We can all go home now.

Hahahah yes. Are we doing that now?

It really does bother me that there are so many people, like you, who sniff around every nook and cranny of the world looking for something that offends them.

Maybe it’s okay for a Slavic game to discuss issues of diversity and ethnicity in a way that feeds from their own history and current world, which mostly involves the differences between people who look exactly the same, but are separated through a cultural/ religious grounds. Look at Yugoslavia, everyone looks the

Hair splitting because he wants to prove the point that it’s a ‘white washed’ world.

Try reading the book series. The worlds if the northern kingdoms is a rather fair skinned one. The world is not a nice place in it. Humans regularly slaughter elves, gnomes, halfing and dwarfs because they are different. Geralt several times in the series tries to stop this, and in the end gets killed in one of these

And here we get to the problem of “not too evil”. I’ve heard it before in the context of “if there are dragons in this world then why is there rape?” And the answer is that the creators wanted to present a world that is unpleasant, that faces unpleasant issues.

Ironically, despite having bugs at launch, Witcher 3 probably had one of the smoothest launches of a triple A title this year. As far as having quests that can’t be completed 6 months after release, I think you’re the only one having that problem. Also, I guess you haven’t played much of Witcher 3, because the game

I had zero issues with Witcher 3 and quality wise it is one of the top games out there bar none with some of the best atmosphere and world design i have ever played in 20 years of gaming i have never seen anything come close to the way the Witcher 3 made me feel when I played it.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been drinking, but that got a real laugh out of me.

I’ve never dealt with any problems, other that the one quest they needed to fix. Beat the game on Death March mode by using oils, concoctions, and bombs didn’t feel that repetitive, the shield does break the game though I admit.

Look, I hear what you’re saying, but would you care for a game of Gwent?

Quality and Quantity > Brand Awareness