
We like to think that. :) We were also both considering moving to related jobs in the same part of Georgia at the same time, before we met each other— then I decided to stay where I was, and he got the job where we overlapped and moved to my city.

I met my fiance after I left a job where I was at his workplace pretty much every day. (We were supposed to be in the new-hire orientation together, but I had to reschedule mine.) I switched jobs, then we met online, where we discovered I was sharing an office with his roommate at my new job. tbh, had we met in that

I used to work for a non-profit where lots of LGBTQ people worked. Mostly everyone was just happy to be able to be themselves. Probably 2/3 (if not 3/4) of the staff were LGBTQ. I remember thinking about one of my coworkers whom I did not know well but used he/him/his but wore fabulous dresses and make up and always

I think that last sentence explains what I was getting at— “It’s one of those things that no one should want to do, but that some people recognize is necessary.” Not just as official witnesses, but as a different way of saying, “I see you.”

Weirdly, this story reminds me of an episode of Criminal Minds from a couple years ago that I thought handled this rather well. Good-hearted Penelope is instrumental in a man getting arrested and ultimately getting sentenced to death. She tries to apologize to him and say that she never intended to land him on death

I was super lucky in my public school education. I was in public schools K-12 in a rural part of New Jersey. There was one regional public high school that I attended, and a Catholic high school and a prep school. I had GREAT teachers. Like, pretty much every single year, every single class. My school was not without

Birth control saved my life. Maybe that’s overstating it some, but the truth is, I was on half a dozen (probably closer to 10) different anti-depressants over the course of about 5 years, none of which truly helped. I’d be fine sometimes, and sometimes I’d think about driving off a bridge. I finally realized those

Oh yeah, no one cared that we were all invading each other’s space. Everyone was just excited.

In 2009, I walked several miles to Foggy Bottom metro at the break of dawn. It wasn’t open yet, so the gates were closed, People were lined up the escalators and on the streets above. When the gates opened, it was like a flood. The metro employees didn’t even bother to deal with fares— they just opened the metro and

Commenting to give a shout-out to Nashville! (My boyfriend is coming too, along with just about everyone else I know.)

Remember that show Bridalplasty from 5 or 6 years ago? I was horrified by it, but watched it regardless because a girl I knew from high school was on it. I felt like I needed to shower and watch body positive slam poetry after every episode. I feel like this show would have the same effect.

I went out to dinner for the first time on Thanksgiving yesterday. While it was nice to not cook or clean up, and the food was quite good, there were NO LEFTOVERS. I might go to the store and pick up what’s left of the Stouffer’s boxed stuffing and make some green bean casserole for no other reason but to let

My dad is at the NY Times and he said they ordered some food (no word on what kind) and that the initially festive tone took a quick downturn. They have little parties sometimes— New Years Eve, for example, and for the folks working on holidays. I think it’s more “come get some food, chat, then go back to work” kind

I’m watching HoC now for the first time, and I just watched that episode yesterday. As soon as I saw this headline, that split-second popped into my head.

Now playing

I like to bring this up any time anyone mentions Mandy Patinkin in any context.

I’m watching Eyes on the Prize in one of my classes in grad school. It’s excellent. Most of my classmates, like me, are under 30 and didn’t have exposure to it when we were younger. It really brings it home. And like the author said— the open casket of Emmett Till definitely will leave a mark.