
If one more person asks why these women are just coming out now, I am going to take a huge period shit in their mouth.

To be fair she was rather noisy and he was trying to catch some shut-eye between questions.

Can you turn her microphone off please?

She’s looking so poised and calm and fucking gorgeous. Good for her for keeping her cool. She’s a fucking boss.

Everyone knows reality has a liberal bias


This video upsets me on so many levels.

Her “you are so irrelevent that I could not be more bored if I tried” face from that hearing is top among my facial expression goals.

She’s gorgeous! I love the big square sunglasses at the top.

More than the apartments, I’m more annoyed by the “quirky female character who eats a lot of greasy, fatty food but maintains perfect skin and stays slim” trope. She’s not shallow like those salad eating bitches, she just LOOKS like them.

German. That’s Elke Sommer (see above thread).

Ha! Came to say the same thing, but you beat me to it. I guess I spent too long searching through photos of the fabulous Miss Sommer:

Ha! I was adjusting invisible rabbit ears.

My dear that haircut was called “The Mushroom” and it was (sadly) all the rage.

THIS is why I come to Jezebel.

I inappropriately love EVERYTHING about this story

Oh god my heart.

So did she go with the basket of hamsters this time or the usual bushel basket of grubs?