
and he's MY AGE

Donald Glover was the surprise horse.
I knew and saw Mahershala coming when his projects started getting announced.

the second half was better for everything but that

they brought on diamond back and i was like did the casting person go on vacation?
you can't just do that to people
but then mahershala is that dude
few men could follow

omg CAN he!

Have we confirmed she can cook?

mostly ex republicans too embarrassed to call themselves republicans

I say we go with it and call the bluff but only if he can do it again by booking Trumps entire cabinet starting with Steve Bannon and only if they all get the evil thats coming to them.

God this is important as I watch my peers around me drop. The level of disclosure in your writing, along with tanehisi, along with Moonlight and I just finished watching tonight's episode of This is Us.
Lord lord lord. I feel like a lot of this happened in the past but in a muted scream or mostly silence. The level of

I too loved The Lake House

i question your taste in men

yep be present

ooh snap! lol!!!

Abusive people.

Rather they don't want anybody else to have what they rightfully think is theirs. They'd rather kill everyone and themselves before losing anything they think is theirs or might potentially be theirs. If they can't have it no one can. Sound familiar?
America is pretty much in an abusive relationship.


Or some of us were right back then and preferred living single

Photography critic you are not. Stick to the day job buddy.

This space expanded due to hiphop and advertising and marketing. The fact that hiphop and black men being seen as automatic arbitrators and ambassadors to a culture that is use to advertise and market goods elevated that access past HS.

nicely done!