
I wonder if these became the offshoot(s) of the Mid Atlantic accent.

Same *Happily Single*

So sad, so true


Way WAY too many men like this. Been told from yay high and this sort of thing is the result.

They tried to make racism a mental health disease. *public persona wilds the hell out in a clearly racist fashion*
"Send them to rehab"

Next piece: "Do you KNOW?! Who I am?! Or How to annoy your barista."

Oh I like this!

I haven't watched the last season of House of Cards. Sadly RL giving better political theatre.

All this.

Yeah I ain't got no team. But heavily sideeye dudes cheering for Lawrence cause mad at Issa but behind 4:44

i need to do this this weekend

Glad y'all understood me lol. I can't watch the house/basketball wive reality shows either I rolled a crew of women w the same mentality fascinating in my twenties I have to say so I understand why folks watch the shows but I parted ways w those ladies cause man it's a lot once you hit your thirties 😂

#actually don't trust folks who think they know anything because they watched the wire esp as entertainment.
I lived through ENY in the 70s and Bushwick in the 80s.
I saw the problem that is the wire fans coming from get go.

Twenty years #teamarya

ice cold (c) Outkast

I remember like 5 years ago was talking ideal body types w co-workers ( yes white yes women I know I know it's advertising) and I was like Serena. Said like capi-cu slam the domino on the table.
The looks on their faces made it all worth it.
Don't tell no black women to aim for some weak skinny body when an…

They laid off another one last week but I got him on FB!

(Pardon if this is a double posting but damn if I didnt lose my own my post) Where to begin… I saw this little ditty (see screen shot) earlier today on twitter. Now the comments under his first comment phew became loaded down with historical fact correcting his ass. Thing is the way society goes his next comment he…