
I had to go to sleep away camp for school when I was in Grade 5. Everyone seemed to be radiating pubescent hormones all over the place, and the girls were all wearing a different boy’s soccer jacket every night to dinner, but I was a late bloomer, and psychologically was like two years younger than anyone else (I

Bless my soul have I got a story!

First sleep-away girl scout camp, a week long, and I went with a friend from school; we were one state away from home while our families stayed at a vacation cabin, so we only knew each other. It was in the woods but not insane, with lots of activities and swimming and crafts and horses, the whole deal. I loved it, my

I went to drill team camp in the 10th grade. TBH, I have no idea how I actually ever made the team (although I think it may have been when the girl in line next to me during tryouts accidentally poked me in the eye with her prop during the routine and I kept going). I’m a born klutz, never took a dance/gymnastics

Honest to gosh, cross my heart this is true.

I used to coordinate camp programs for underprivileged kids from Oxnard. We’d take them to LA to see the Getty and CA Science Center and whatnot.

My sister and I both went to a pretty cool sleep away camp in North Carolina one summer. I was 9 or 10, so she was 12 or 13. She had gone before, but this was my first time. It was 6 weeks, and the camp was basically a whole mountain top. I loved it! I went on this 2 or 3 day hike/camping trip with a group, which I

Who is this?

Even better: buy a bunch of blank notecards and a custom stamp! Beautiful, special, AND cheap!

I thought LeAnne and Norma both had entertaining—if not realistic—back stories, but good god, the Norma worship circle annoyed me to no end. Anyone else? Maybe it was just because I binge-watched the season over a few days, but they seemed to have the same argument in every episode, and it all seemed very clunky and

More realistic than Pennsatucky’s magical perfect teenage (?) boyfriend of respect and orgasms.

Fremdschämen is the word you are looking for.

lolololol this is a joke, right

What?? No, it is way harder to be ghosted than to do the ghosting. The ghoster is in control of the scenario; the ghostee is in the ghoster’s (metaphoric) hands, running around wondering what the hell they did wrong when really the fault is that the ghoster does not know how to communicate clearly with someone or take

I prefer Tina Fey as Marcia.

Why does she have to take Rita into an elevator? Last I checked, it wasn’t Rita who made vows to her.

I was about 12 when I’d decided I was going to be a Paleontologist (I’m not, btw, but that’s not the point.)

My little sister came home one day sobbing and said “my friend hung himself.” My mom patted her on the shoulder and said, “hanged.”

I maintain that Freddie Mercury was the coolest person ever.