
Yeah, this person’s story makes my head hurt. I feel like I’ve just read the longest run on sentence in the history of run on sentences.

I love the Jason story; I still think about it every now and then.

“anticlimactic” is right. I liked most of the show quite a lot (all the romantic stuff was a turn-off, as I am not into that genre at all), and during the last part of the episode where Dani and Jamie were living their lives, waiting for Viola to resurface (heh), I just had this feeling of, “is this it?” I told my

I always yelp when I open biscuits. I know the POP! is coming, and yet. 😏

Fuck off.

Thanks, I hate it.

Fuck off. 

Ugh, Carl Tanzler. 😖😖

This isn’t strictly my story, and I don’t know how scary it is, but here goes.

I grew up in a small town in North Florida. It is small with a picture perfect Main Street, beautiful beaches untouched by tourism, everyone knows each other kind of town. When my parents moved to town, we would drive by this Victorian style house (it wasn’t new built in the early 1990s) that we loved. It has a what I

“You know this whole neighborhood is built over old Indian burial grounds, right?” is something you might hear growing up from someone who’s just trying to scare you, but in my case it’s not that much of a stretch from what the reality is. Not too far away from where I live is a place called Cahokia Mounds, which are

Agreed, can we at least get some kind of warning??

Not my story - I ‘witnessed’ it, but was a baby at the time.

For real. Nobody cares about the layout of the house, and it will NOT “be important, later”.

My stepmum is pretty sensitive to the other side, she’ll get a look on her face in the middle of a conversation and eerily look past you, and you’ll know that she is seeing a ghostie. She’s never scared and will often just tell them to move along. This spookiness was seemingly inherited by my oldest niece, who is now

I must confess up front this is not particularly scary - but it is definitely ghostly. It just involves my father - the sweetest man ever - so how scary is that?! Lol. I grew up in the country on a farm with horses. Since we were so remote, and the driveway to my childhood home so long, my parents had installed a

Teenagers sharing secrets and cavorting late at night produce their own kind of energy. Riley and I were on the same wavelength, but Katie’s wholesome energy evened out our jaded sarcasm nicely, and we spent a lot of time as a trio.

And remember: longer isn’t better, guys, pretty pls keep the unnecessary detail to a minimum kthnxbai

Thank you.

Starred for "Richie Rich". I watched that more times than I want to admit as a teen. (I had a crush on the butler.)