This is why I question the ballot initiative system. Any shithead, fartknocker and/or loser with a pen and some spare time can force the state to spend resources dealing with this fuckery.
This is why I question the ballot initiative system. Any shithead, fartknocker and/or loser with a pen and some spare time can force the state to spend resources dealing with this fuckery.
Remember that show Picket Fences? It’s been off the air for years and you can’t (legally) download or get DVDs later than season 1, but I will forever remember this line: “Religions are like farts. Your own smell good but everyone else’s stinks.”
I officially became agnostic* when we looked at Greek/Roman mythology in 6th grade social studies. “So they made up a bunch of stuff about gods riding chariots across the sky to explain stuff they didn’t get. LOL dummies. Wait...oh.”
I adjunct sometimes and avoid hot button issues like the plague because I don’t want to deal with this crap. Fortunately, I teach a pretty apolitical topic.
So I skimmed the bold print and said “this sounds like stuff religious fanatic homeschoolers say.” Then I read the first paragraph and LOLed.
On one hand, Madison is trying to sell her book, and the controversial statements she’s made will certainly boost numbers—but on the other hand, it’s also believable that Hugh Hefner pitted the women that lived with him against each other and emotionally manipulated them to get what he wanted.
I’m sorry.
I always thought a man calling a woman’s shoes sensible was code for “she looks like a big bulldyke.”*
My experience really closely mirrors yours. Did you get better after cancelling your appointments and weaning yourself off your umpteen meds? Because that’s what happened to me.
I’ve seen more therapists than I have fingers and toes to count them on and none of them did any of those things. Not even when I specifically asked them to. They were sure happy to take my co-pays and the insurance company’s payments, though.
And my experience adds significantly to said pile.
“It’s very bloody. It’s painful. There’s cramping, pelvic cramping.”
What’s with people who randomly capitalize words? I can’t concentrate on anything they’re trying to say Because I’m laughing at Their Weird use Of capitalization.
This guy was raising all kinds of red flags with me because this happened over and over again and I was clear that NSA wasn’t what I wanted. It even happened after I explained clearly why I was not available at a moment’s notice, he said he understood this and promised he would no longer assume I was. It was clearly…
One of the reasons I stopped online dating was all the men who apparently wanted a pen pal and nothing else. It seemed to me like it defeated the point of a online dating site, as dating implies going out and like, actually seeing one another.
If he’s bothered by a stick with a little dry pee on it, having a baby around is gonna really gross him out.
I generally don’t dig traditional wedding dresses, but that one is beautiful.
If you want your employees to treat your customers right, you have to treat them right.
Now, Rachel Dolezal is not the first white woman to get box braids, ALTHOUGH SHE SHOULD PROBABLY BE THE LAST.
One more example of white privilege: I had to google “hot comb” a few years ago because I’d never heard of it and had no idea what it looked like or what it was for.