
I’m not sure I understand why they would be doing this. To my knowledge there’s no fees for keeping a game available to people, and these games are finished/published. Wouldn’t it make more sense to leave them up and still make at least a bit of money?

Well it’s not plagiarism... Discussing the same points doesn’t mean you’re plagiarizing another source. The rest of the article isn’t even about the same topic.

I didn’t mention anywhere that I agreed with the splitting of the game into two versions. Personally I think it’s lame.

I think it’s more important to highlight WHAT is different between the versions, given that at this point it’s definitely going to have them. I know I would be kind of pissed if I bought one expecting it to play the same.

It comes down to what is being saved. Compare a game like Final Fantasy to Skyrim.

I also dislike Tree Trunks. More or less for every reason Tina listed above. I’ve seen tons of people talk about how they like the character, but I just can’t even.

Oh hey, Batman Impostors but with a Robin flavour. Cool I guess?

I believe they’re technically Riot employees since Riot pays their salaries and they sign contracts to work in the LCS. Also poaching is generally frowned upon everywhere, though it can’t be prevented. A company that noticeably and regularly poaches people tends to not get a good reputation in the industry.

Microsoft has no control over what languages used in non-first party titles like Batman... It’s a semi valid complain for stuff like Forza, but anything else MS basically just makes sure the languages the developer/publisher want are working.

Basically you should realize that some do care, and that websites won’t necessarily cater every article to your specific interests. If you really want a site to only feature the stuff you want it to, you may want to consider starting one up yourself...

How impressive this is will be directly related to how much damage you do per swing. A trillion HP is a lot less daunting if you swing for millions/billions at a time. If you’re plinking away doing tiny damage it’s a bit insane, so I assume you scale up hard in order for this to be realistically possible.

Just as a point, Ubisoft released Child of Light and Valiant Hearts last year. Both were pretty creative and unique games that were greenlit. Saying there’s NO creativity is a bit misleading.

$130 includes the game too.

That gif is from the FF7 Remake announcement and not Last Guardian. You can see the word REMAKE appear right at the start.

Did you platinum the game? Some of the trophies involve doing 450 of each characters special skills, some of which rely on the AI doing things you want them to do. These are the same trophies as from Xillia 1, but you only had to do 150 each.

Glad to see it’s expanding to PC. I’ll be grabbing the PS4 version regardless though since for me it’s a dedicated local multiplayer game. Since Tales of the Abyss I’ve been 100% completing every Tales game (except Xillia 2 due to ridiculous grinding) with a friend of mine.

I’ve been playing this game pretty often since I saw it mentioned in the comments of the Monster Strike article. It’s great since it keeps the very casual feel but loses some of the trappings of the more standard matching games like Candy Crush. No level structure, no bullshit new mechanics.

This story is hilarious. Someone so desperate for attention they fake admittance to 2 prestigious schools, basically killing any chance for actual attendance there, while going public with it in a major media story? I really hope it’s somehow proven that they weren’t aware all this was fraudulent otherwise they

It runs fine unless you play multiplayer. Then the game basically craps it’s pants and starts drooling all over...

I don’t mind the resolution drop personally, but the loss of enemies on screen gets to me every time. I love Dynasty Warriors games, and Hyrule Warriors is a lot of fun. The multiplayer is pretty lackluster though between the framerate, resolution, and tiny number of visible enemies at a time.