
To be fair he outlined what the game does pretty well to promote the behaviour. A game doesn't literally have to say "insult people to win" to encourage you to get mad at people. Some of the core design decisions in MOBAs (and other games of course) put you at odds with your own team by their very design (unless

"When I call someone racial, sexual, and gendered slurs all in the same sentence in my video games, it's not "Toxic." It is calm, rational and polite debate/discussion about particular play styles."

It's pretty normal for a company to stop selling something if the offer changes... I would have been surprised if you could still get the season pass and get a brand new $60 game included after they announced this. I mean, why wouldn't you? It would be a game for half off, and you get DLC for ACU included.

Yep. They've all had a single player story mode. It's generally not much of a story but it's not really new.

I have a theory that the rest mode issue is happening more if you leave the console in rest mode for an extended period of time. I generally leave it in rest mode anytime I'm not using it, so it sits like that all night. Since 2.00 it's happened every night (until I stopped using rest mode, which was 3 nights in). A

Here's some insight into how the industry works. Testers don't get to make calls like that in most companies. At most (if you're lucky and the dev allows it) you can enter a "suggestion" bug. Testers don't really have much creative input or decisions regarding features at all.

I love Monster Hunter, but these screenshots badly reinforce how dates the graphics are. Especially after playing MH3U on my Wii U. Obviously it doesn't look quite so rough on the actual 3DS screen since it's a lower resolution but it further makes me want a proper Monster Hunter title on a more powerful system.

Man, you are really a special guy aren't you? I never used "randoms" as a derogatory term. Re-read my posts. Randoms = random people. I never said or implied anything about their skill. I only just hit level cap today, so I'm definitely not even remotely power gaming this. I have zero intention of running these raids

I'd argue the generals in most of the recent Dynasty Warrior games play similarly to how a player would. Decent mix of attacks, occasional Musous, etc. Of course you can still overpower them with obscene gear if you farm for it (and they will just destroy you on a fresh character if they catch you in a combo), but

Look. I don't have social anxiety. I'm simply saying that for organizing a 10 hour raid over the course of a week (where people have reportedly been dying upwards of over 1000 times) it would not be particularly feasible to do this with random strangers. Nothing stopping you from joining a clan or a group that's

Uh sure. I wasn't trying to say that everyone that plays is terrible. I meant more than trying to coordinate what you need to do with random people isn't going to be fun. Not sure why you felt the need to flame me.

I've said this before on some other Dynasty Warriors-esque article, but I'm annoyed by people describing the games as "you just kill weak enemies all the time". You don't if you're playing the game properly. You don't stop to kill all the peons in the map... You'd never get anywhere. The game is focused around

No matchmaking for raids. Also given how long and brutal this one is you probably wouldn't get far with randoms.

Man I want that Persona Q XL so bad. I've been in love with the look since I saw it on Kotaku awhile back.... But I just can't justify buying a 3ds XL now when the New 3DS is so close. Especially since my normal 3DS (small size) is working fine anyway.

To my knowledge none of the Persona games were originally on hand helds. P3 and P4 both got ported later on with some changes, so I'd expect the same to be likely here.

I am so looking forward to this game... I love the Dynasty Warriors games (especially the Gundam Musou series) and everything about this particular game appeals to me.

Lighting has always been THE visual aspect of games. So many times I'm impressed by the dynamic lighting through trees, or the way shadows play on the wall in a game. Most games ignore the lighting quality in favor of texture but the best textures will still look out of place if the lighting isn't right!

Normally you don't sign a document for any particular game. It's usually just part of your normal work contract when you're hired at a game developer. Fairly standard "don't reveal corporate secrets" kind of stuff. I've worked for multiple game developers and never had anything more elaborate than non-video game

They've said in the past that the events of WoW aren't canon to the main series. Whether that still holds true is another matter.

Developers apparently don'y have to do anything to use this. The article isn't well written but he's saying it's only on PS4 and not on PS3.