Ladybug the ninja cat

Astronaut ice cream is the shit! What the hell?!?

I love astronaut ice cream!

Seeing Patrick Stewart with his parasol reminded me of my new umbrella.

I loved it when I was a kid. Haven't had it as a grown up but now I want to.

“This ice cream is terrible.” — Astronauts

thank you for my new motivational poster

Listen...if we are going to have bananas in sandwiches they need to go imbetween peanut butter and fluff....none of this mayo crap.


I’m not sure if anyone has checked Netflix today, but their April Fools day joke made me giggle:

My workplace stocks tampons for us in the bathroom. This guy is better than my older male coworker who stopped by the box of tampon boxes in the storage room and incredulously guffawed, “Ugh. Should I also bring in a box of jock itch cream?!”

“Haider Ashraf, a local police chief, noted that the bomb, which appears to be the work of a suicide bomber, detonated near a cluster of children’s rides.”

Ugggh!!! So far I’ve been lucky & have never managed to hear that one.

I smiled through your entire post. You have described my 23 year old son’s attitude towards life, people and how he chooses to live his life absolutely perfect. I am his full time caregiver and he has chosen to stay indoors for the last seven years. I am the only person in the entire world who understands him when he

I just want to say this was both heartbreaking and breathtaking to read. I’m so sorry for what happened to you but it sounds like you’ve always been and continued to be a fully awesome person. That’s worth a lot.


Great post. If I can add a corroboration, I was born before the MMR was available, and my mom caught rubella while she was pregnant with me. I am what happens when you avoid the MMR vaccine.

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

I love love love Aidan Quinn.

This sounds like a good compromise. Yes Jeremy we will continue to lust after you but you are only allowed to speak in Shakespeare.