Unpossible. TV has told me that the insanity defense is used constantly at trial, where most murder cases end up!
Unpossible. TV has told me that the insanity defense is used constantly at trial, where most murder cases end up!
The one in four number also includes diagnoses for depression ( all varieties) and anxiety among other very common disorders that don’t change a person’s grasp on reality. However, schizophrenia, some severe forms of bipolar and others actually do distort a person’s views on reality. If that’s the case and they are…
Actually a lot of contemporary conservatives are not at all fans of Hamilton, because at the time Federalists advocated for a very strong centralized authority — aka Big Government. Hamilton was all about centralizing power at the national rather than state level, as opposed to the more states’-rights-oriented…
We had to put down Stark the Earless One and that was hard. He loved people and getting attention. He was so friendly. He was about 3 years old when I got him. He only made it to 6. I feel bad I didn't have him longer.
As someone who owns an incredibly annoying, vocal, face punching, smothering, Siamese cat...I feel you so hard right now. She is the absolute worst and we call her bitch kitty. We love her...and can’t stand her. We adopted her, and love her, and pledged our lives to her so she’s going to be with us until the day she…
I have often said, when the time comes for my pets and others’ to leave us, that the only consolation is that life gets so much easier. It doesn’t make us miss them less, or have loved them less. I understand the relief. They enrich our lives while they’re with us, and they free us when they leave us. It’s possible to…
True about Anne being a jerk, but remember that was because Anne was so much more invested in their relationship than Diana ever was. Remember when Anne went to College grieving about leaving Diana and feeling miffed about Marilla’s coldness? And then Diana has an awesome day at the beach with her cousins, practically…
I am a paralegal at a firm whose biggest clients are insurance companies, and so they represent insured people against people who are making claims them. The firm prides itself on going to trial instead of settling BS claims from BS ambulance chasing attorneys, and they are usually very, very sucessful. You should be…
Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang. The way they are fiercely loyal to each, and depicted a strong female friendship that occasionally had bumps due to men, but in no way revolved solely around discussing men.
My favorite fictional female friends are Anne Shirley and Diana Barry. And not just because I’m from/live on Prince Edward Island. It’s just a wonderful close bond between two people who were meant to be close. And also as close to a romantic notion the author could write about in her day. A longed for closeness,…
In my opinion, I do not believe Obama stands a snowball’s chance in hell of getting a new SC justice appointed before next January 20. This is why it’s more important than ever to vote democrat in the general - and to vote for the ACTUAL NOMINEE, whomever it is.
My best friend ever is my cousin. We’ve been there for each other forever. We even seem to have a kind of psychic link, because there have been many times both of us suddenly think, “I need to text/call [the other],” and it turns out we were right. Even after a gap of several years (due to family BS), and hundreds of…
There are kittens running everywhere here.
So I am lying in bed suffering through a cold. Nurse Emily is on the job! How is everyone’s Saturday going?
Then again, Kanye is the guy who thought Tyga was smart for “getting in early” when Kylie was still a minor so...
Or Overboard... Or First Wives’ Club... Or Death Becomes Her... Or HouseSitter.
Well you know...she had to tighten things up to play Monique’s Mother.
By Grabthar’s hammer, by the suns of Worvan, you shall be avenged.
“If they come out after us, bring extra body bags. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword,” Gray told ABC News in a 2000 interview.
Love it.