Ladybug the ninja cat

You’re right. I read the linked article which is clearer that his attorneys were appealing his sentence, not his conviction (as they had already appealed the conviction and failed). In that case, he still would not have been let off the hook, but would have been sentenced to life in prison.

A person who pleads the insanity defense is not let off the hook. They are sent to an institution where they undergo mandatory treatment. This defense is rarely used and even more rarely successful.

Kelloggs sounds a lot like my cat Isaac. He is so generous with his affection, but drives me crazy by constantly pushing my buttons. I can understand your feelings of grief and relief, and I’m sorry for your loss.

My cousin was my best friend when we were younger. We were inseparable all summer long, and people thought we were twins (even though we looked nothing alike). We tried to pretend we were eachother by dressing in the other’s clothes, but our families never bought it! We have since gone our separate ways, and it was

I’m sorry you are going through this. Unfortunately, I don’t think legal aid services deal with personal injury cases, but you should check. There are legal hotlines and online legal advice sites where you can get free advice, and be directed to information about your rights in situations like this. They can also give

I loved the friendship between these two when I was younger and obsessed with the books. I have never been able to have a friendship like that in real life, at least not without it ending in disaster. I recently reread the books, and I thought Anne could really be a jerk to Diana at times. Especially when Diana got

And Paulina Porizkova.

On a day trip to a temple in Katmandu, Nepal, some friends and I made the mistake of feeding the monkeys there. At first it was little ones and females. Off to the side was a huge male, probably the granddaddy of them all. He quietly observed for awhile. Then he came up to me and gently took hold of the hem of my

Thank you. Unfortunately, I’m still searching for a job, so I haven’t actually begun to work yet. I’m just experiencing the criticism without doing a thing!

I agree. I had a conversation a week ago with a friend who was horrified that I wanted to become an immigration lawyer to help refugees. She responded by saying that these people are ungrateful and taking all our money and bringing in the terrorists. She asked me if I wanted to help terrorists. I was infuriated by

My thoughts are with you and everyone going through that horror there. It is so unfair, and unfortunately not surprising, that this isn’t receiving as much attention. I will share your link on my Facebook page. It is sad that violence is taken for granted in the Middle East, so people just don’t care anymore.

This is true. I just find it so hard when I am faced with racist attitudes to agree with any valid points they may have. I do not support any form of fear and coercion, and it is a struggle for me to navigate between speaking out against the use of terror, and also speaking out against the fear tactics that I have

I had an uncomfortable conversation with a friend a week ago about this very thing, where she expressed surprise and indignation at my decision to become an immigration lawyer to help refugees. She asked me outright if I wanted to help terrorists. I was so angry at her question that I didn’t answer. Then this

Hi, future immigration lawyer here. The objections are over whether the president himself has the power to directly make policies regarding immigration. Both DACA and DAPA are not laws passed by Congress, but are executive orders directing the agencies under the president’s authority to exercise prosecutorial

Sqarr made a list of commenters who have been in the grey a long time and have proven through their commenting history that they are not trolls, in order to get them noticed and pulled out of the greys.

Thanks to you! And Squarr’s list!

Congrats! Me too! I just got ungreyed last night! I want to post lots of things now, and bask in the freedom.

Thanks. I think I’m going to do that.

Thanks. I’ve learned my lesson. In the future if someone tells me they feel concerned about me but won’t tell me why, I’ll just thank them and move on. The ball is in their court.

So I posted several months ago about the disaster that happened at my graduation party (given by a group of church women) when the discussion turned political, where one of the women talked about how our nation was being destroyed by Muslims and gays, and where I spoke out against it and thought I had lost a friend as