Ladybug the ninja cat

When I spend Christmas with my dad, we watch Claymation Christmas, Blackadder’s Christmas Carol, and now Hogfather. We also watch Hamlet (the Kenneth Branaugh version) in succession with A Midwinter’s Tale (another Kenneth Branaugh film about unemployed actors putting on a production of Hamlet at Christmas time) and

Edit: posted in wrong place.

Yesterday there were more vehicles in the parking lot of the gaming hall than at the polling place, which is just next door. I am very concerned.

I am very sorry for your loss. You can be an honorary cat lady, in your heart. Kitties have a tendency to reside there even after they are gone.

I like cemeteries. I come from a line of history nerds who love to visit cemeteries and read the stories of the people who are buried there. My aunt just participated in an event at a cemetery in her town where she dressed up as one of the women buried there, and had a little script to perform for visitors who went

Haha! I realized afterwards that it should be paraphrase rather than translation. But thanks!

Ah, but why should they complain. Isn’t this capitalism at work? To those who have much, more will be given. To those who have little, even that which they have will be taken away (rough translation of a verse somewhere in the bible).

And to prevent him from breaking another of the 10 (committing adultery), because that is the woman’s responsibility. Clearly.

It’s amazing how ugly people can get over this issue, and can be so blatantly disrespectful of other human beings, in the name of church unity. My reason for staying is because I long ago came to understand many things very differently than the church, and I want to make changes from within the church. For now, at

So, how’s this?

I’ve heard stuff like this too. I just find this sort of thinking rage inducing because these people teach that women are more emotional (and therefore can be dismissed more easily because emotions are only temporary) and men are more rational, but when it comes to sex, they can’t admit that the desire for sex is

So, it’s a sin for a woman’s face to honestly reflect her feelings of not being in the mood, but it’s not a sin to lie and act enthusiastic when she’s not? If sex is not about feelings anyway, then what does it matter what a woman feels? And what is a man’s desire for sex...a purely intellectual pursuit?!

The denomination I grew up in, and still belong to, recently voted against womens’ ordination. The main reason was because of complementarianism, and an authoritarian interpretation of the bible. I was not very surprised at the vote, but I have since been very vocal about my displeasure on Facebook. One person

I guess it really was terrible because I saw it and yet did not recognize one single thing in your description at all. The only thing I do remember is Paula Deen.


Absolutely. All the time. I know that it isn’t true. And I know that most people feel this way. But it doesn’t make it any easier.

My nephews were both born 5 weeks premature. They each had to stay in the hospital for about a month. They are now 5 and 3, with no lingering issues. I don’t know anything about issues with babies born at 24 weeks, but I just want to offer my sympathy for what you and your family are going through. It is so scary and

Sorry, I both laughed and ewwwed in response to this. Who the hell tries to hold a stranger’s hand on the street?!? Did he think you are a child? Did he think he is a child? So many questions!

I completely understand that fear. I’m in the process of searching for my first real grown-up job, one that I have gone to school and been trained for, and I’m terrified of the changes it will bring. I like my current job, because it’s not demanding or stressful. But it’s time for me to go.

It is the most awful thing. I’m so sorry.