Ladybug the ninja cat

I am crying at work now looking at the pics and watching the video. Congratulations Mark & Allen! I am so happy for you both! This was such an excellent article, and I am not going to read anything else today (unless it is a cute animal video) because I just want to stay this happy. You two are adorable!

That is gorgeous! I don’t have any tattoos myself, but I love seeing other people’s.

Oh no! I hope everythinf turns out okay, and that all your worry is for nothing.

38 and single here. Most of my female relatives are older than me and single also. I also live in a rural area, with few opportunities to meet new people. But I enjoy being single, and have a long list of things I want to learn and do, so I’m just going to concentrate on that for now. It’s hard to keep hopeful, but

It has been steadily and gently raining all day, and cool enough to snuggle under blankets in bed while keeping windows open. I finally finished watching Netflix’s Borgia, and am now experiencing withdrawal. At one point I had to pee really bad, but, well...

That is amazing. I worry about what would happen to my cats if I had to suddenly evacuate my home. They would not be as cooperative as that kitten appears to be.

He’s a hero here in his hometown of Syracuse. He was featured in a local magazine, which I keep under my pillow and sleep with every night.

MOVE OVER!!! David has been mine since 1995, when he had terrible hair. He still does. I thought NYC would cure him of it. Sigh.

Yes, it’s frustrating when I arrive too late to comment. Things move so fast around here, and it takes too much time to keep up!

Haha! I got her confused with someone else on here who is Canadian (but I was not confused about the favorite bit!).

Hello! I feel that way too, so I’m starting out by following people I have had actual discussions with. People have been very nice about it so far.

I love pierogi!!

It makes me feel as though I am in elementary school again! Hurray for stars!!

Friends!!! I also made one comment that got about 100 stars that thrilled my little soul! But it was a one time deal. Sigh...

Unfortunately, I do not have a recipe. I buy my pies from a local mom & pop place that makes them. I live in the Fingerlakes winery region, so they make several different types of grape pie: concord, pinot noir, and some other that I cannot recall. The flavor is so intense!

Friends yes! I understand why they have the system of greys, but is does make you feel as though you are a second-class community member. That’s why I like the open threads, because I feel as though I can connect in a more meaningful way with people.

Long-time single here. I wish you much success in discovering who you are on your own, and making a new life for yourself.

I’m trying to get ungreyed myself, so I will try to help a fellow grey by starring and following.

I would encourage you to do it, but that is only because I want to live vicariously through you. Post lots of pics, and write articles for Fly-Girl that don’t make Americans seem like complete assholes, and I will be very happy!

Thank you! I have been hanging around a bit, and thought it was time I become more visible. You have been one of my favorite commenters!