Thank you! I’ve been around since January, but frequently miss out on discussions because they happen while I’m at work, where there is a strict no-phone/internet policy. I usually try to make it for SNS, though.
Thank you! I’ve been around since January, but frequently miss out on discussions because they happen while I’m at work, where there is a strict no-phone/internet policy. I usually try to make it for SNS, though.
So sorry! It sucks when our babies are not well. I hope you can get her the help she needs.
Following and starring!
Hi everybody! I have been an infrequent commenter here, and I want to get out of the greys. So I’m going to start following people, and hope to gain a few followers too! I will never be as prolific a commenter as many of you, but know that I enjoy being part of this community!
I’m going on the campaign trail to get myself out of the greys, so I will follow and star you, if you will please follow and star me too!
I am not ready for fall yet, but my favorite part is the yummy foods: apple anything, grapes (I am in love with grape pie!), and warm comfort foods. I also like digging out my woolen clothing. I love wool sweaters!
She totally plagiarized:
I look forward to watching both!
Yes, it was made at the same time as the Showtime version. It is smaller budget, with an international cast (so all the actors speak in different accents), but I have heard historians review it as more historically accurate. Thank you for the recommendation! I will have to check it out.
I would give you more stars if I could.
I have experienced this. Perhaps it comes as one gets older? As I have become more aware of just how much violence is experienced in the world, I have become increasingly paranoid. As you say, I don’t want to view all men as potentially violent monsters. But the chances that I will encounter one in my lifetime is…
Yay! This is the first time in a long time that I have been able to make it to SNS!
Wait, so the students won’t get insurance, but the staff and faculty will??? I don’t even...I just...WTF????!!!!
Right? Was he trying to be subtle in telling Rachel to stop asking him difficult questions, because he can’t be held responsible for his inability to answer them?
That’s a good point. And Charles Dance appeared in the first episode of this season for Tywin’s funeral too.
I want to see that. Has it already been in theaters? Have I missed it?
Not you! You are one of my favorites! I hope you don’t leave forever, but there is room for you here with those of us in the greys.
I needed to see this trailer to be reminded of how far women have come. I have been depressed for the past two weeks because my church voted, once again, to not allow women’s ordination. The arguments against were exactly the same as the arguments against women’s suffrage, i.e. our lady brains are not as good as men’s…