I didn’t say she had input. She could have turned the job down when she saw what it would be. She didn’t, and that makes her fair game for criticism.
I didn’t say she had input. She could have turned the job down when she saw what it would be. She didn’t, and that makes her fair game for criticism.
Outsized? How, exactly? I think it’s proportionate. I actually think it didn’t go far enough.
Your headline wasn’t shameful, and the subtext is a very real keynote for the story. The reality is that this is an example of the crimes we don’t really have solid classifications for, and women have historically been prominent victims of these types of crimes, and more often than not those victims are either…
But why do they think not only that we care if they find us attractive, but that by finding us attractive they’ve somehow earned our attentions? Either way, I like to channel my inner B in apartment 23 and just respond with “okay!”
It’s usually a white guy and they feel like they have the ability to say whatever, whenever. Which, sadly, they’re kind of right.
It never ceases to amaze me that they think we really care. like, perfect strangers even. I wonder what color the sky is in their world.
And for me I feel this way for about 99.9% of men.
Depp spent in excess of $75 million to acquire, improve and furnish 14 residences, including ...a fully-functioning horse farm in Kentucky.
Mark Hamill has read some of his tweets as the Joker... so, you’re not far off?
Fuck that paparazzi asshole.
This is goals? It’s an homage to silly putty.
This needs more stars.
hrm. i had always thought of him as an ass man.
When my coworker grabbed my tit at work I pummeled him. Not in the balls, but pretty much everywhere I could land one. But that’s not necessarily the standard response. Other times have prompted different reactions from me.
Quicker getaway than more complicated methods. Also, I’m a weenie when it comes to bloodshed.
Apparently there was only ever a veneer of respect for fellow humans, while secretly a vast number of Americans was just dying to run around grabbing women’s crotches as they saw fit. Those of us who actually believed in treating humans as .... humans ... just weren’t in on the joke, apparently.
That was perfect. Excuse me while I clean up the diet soda I spat all over the laptop laughing just now.
This is perfection