
I don’t know if this will help, but I just came across this foundation in New York that essentially gives scholarships for residential rehab.

Thank you. I’m an ACoA left handed 6 ft tall red head, and Ive found Alanon very very helpful. Take the meat and leave the bones!

Also AA and 12 step programs are an outdated relic that is great if you are a wasp heterosexual male in the 1930's.

I suffer from bipolar disorder which wasn’t adequately diagnosed or treated until I was almost 30 and had blown my life to smithereens. Thankfully I didn’t have a co-morbid addiction with it, but it was still terrible enough to destroy a lot of things and people around me. Carrie Fisher made me feel less insane, and

A princess in name and deed.

Being an addict is the worse, and in America, who isn’t addicted to something? I’m already gay, red haired, left handed, 6 ft; do I want or need another attribute? Also AA and 12 step programs are an outdated relic that is great if you are a wasp heterosexual male in the 1930's. I’m gay, I already understand what it

Not to mention the fact that “not seeing gender” is not AT ALL the same as being gay. Not even close. Gay people see gender... it’s kind of necessary to what ACTUALLY makes them gay.

“It’s very hard for me to remember that I have a gender.”

As a clueless old white lady, I agree.

if she were 20 years old she’d be one of those girls who, upon finding out i am bi, are like “omg i like wish i liked girls, you know what i mean? girls are just so much BETTER but i guess i’m stuck with boys hahaha BLECH hahaha you’re so lucky!”

I will reluctantly pull this out of the grays to say NO. I am surrounded by old white lady cluelessness all day, every day. This is not that. There is a massive difference between saying “my close relationship with my gay son has introduced me to a vibrant sensibility that I really like to experience” and saying “I

I think I have a gay sensibility and I feel like I’m gay, because I’ve always transcended gender, and I’ve always seen love as transcending gender...I have a gay sensibility.

You know that was honestly one of the best things about my divorce — not having to listen to my bigoted, racist, selfish, sexist in-laws ever again.

Really? I’ve seen the opposite. When it’s a woman of any color, the media pounces and mocks them relentlessly, speculates, posts lurid photos, is exploitive as hell. When it’s a man, we get the Kanye treatment: Oh, he has some issues, look at how difficult his life is, we just need to be understanding as he lashes out

For fucking real. I’ve been mentally calling all my coworkers “cracka” since the election. No one can take that from me.

Yep. I ran out of antidepressants last month because of an insurance lapse, and I won’t get to a new doctor until December. Basically everything is terrible and I have brain zaps and I’m drinking too much again.

Because these “people” see any movement for equality and respect as an infringement of their right to be bigoted, therefore THEY are being harrassed. You brown people and gays want to be treated fairly and with respect? MY RIGHTS ARE BEING TRAMPLED!!!!11111!! Harassment!!!

Yes, this, 100%. And the shit icing on the shit cake of this hypocrisy is that the cast wasn’t even booing him. They were asking the audience NOT to boo. And all the cast did was thank him for coming and express their hope that he will work for all Americans. How in any way is that harrassment?!

youre thirty-great.