Put Trump in charge of the shields on the Enterprise. No one is better than him at deflecting.
Put Trump in charge of the shields on the Enterprise. No one is better than him at deflecting.
Donald Trump is the president of the International Projectionists Union.
Garden-variety Narcissists basically lack theory of mind (understanding that other people have perspectives different from theirs).
I dream that all the women in this beautiful country will join hands on November 8 and emit the shrillest shrill that we ever did shrill.
Dude. Women do exist outside of porn, youknow.
So true. So horribly, horribly true. These people are not economically oppressed or fed up with the system; they’re hate-filled.
She was engaged to Robert Rodriguez. The films they made together were distributed by Dimension Films, a Weinstein company. So if the ex is Rodriguez, we know who her rapist is.
Both my mother and I have wondered the same. Also worth noting: after President Obama was elected, it seemed like there was an increase of police brutality against black men (and some women).
I read an article that after Brexit, hate crimes spiked 41% in England and Wales. The Miranda Kerr thing makes me wonder if we’ll see a similar bump in sexual assaults due to Trump. If you want a woman, you take her. Just start kissing her. Grab her by the pussy. Get a knife, go over the wall, get what’s yours.
I think you’re on the right track. This and probably what the tailor said about the fabric being too lightweight. Trump would just insist that the suit still be made and wouldn’t listen to reason, I’m sure. That hair “style” had some similar conversations, no doubt.
Could it be that he was to impatient for the tailor to get all of the exact required measurements?
It’s been a hellacious day and you just made me laugh out loud. You get all my stars!
Possibly the best part of Bojack Horseman.
is that the one with the 2 kids in a trenchcoat?
My girlfriend and I were talking about this during the debate. Just like his homes, his suits look so, so, so cheaply made. He likely spends a ton of money on each suit, only to look like he’s wearing a suit that belongs to someone else.
Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!
Boy, good thing Gwynneth’s Dad told her she was an asshole and needs to cut it out 17 years ago. If he hadn’t, I’d imagine she’d be completely pretentious and insufferable, and hypothetically doing something ridiculous like ....... running some sort of......I dunno..... weirdly crunchy , yet incredibly expensive and…
As someone who was at home during a home invasion, tied up, stuffed in my closet and threatened to be killed if the pin # for my debit card didn’t work, this is one of the few times I can sympathize with what a Kardasian is going through. Whatever your view on Kim and her family and how they do business, no one…