
I wouldn't say I liked it 'a lot' but I didn't hate it nearly as much as everyone else seemed to. Yeah, it was tragic and depressing to watch. It was also incredibly accurate. And NECCESARY for the audience.
What I find "Arrested Development-ish" about the whole shebang was the scores of TV critics and this isn't the

She gets a harder time because she's black, fat and a woman. It really sucks. She is so freaking talented. That said, I wouldn't enjoy her company. The end.


What are you basing that on? That Lena Dunham is writing a storyline to "satisfy her own narcissism?" What a load of bullshit. You don't know her from a bar of soap. So fucking sick of the Lena-Dunham bashing circle-jerks from sad little fuzztaches.

Calm the hell down, it's an effing TV show.

I was also REALLY glad to not see him get bogged down in Ryan Murphy Land, where he'll be mentored into a nasty little queen playing endless sterotypes rather than the beautiful, well-rounded talented person with nuance we all know and love.