a lot of things to parse through here but these are my main takeaways
a lot of things to parse through here but these are my main takeaways
Tell that to the guy in the $3,500 suit!
This man is a goddam national treasure!
Jilling off works.
I don’t know. I’m a white guy helping to raise a Rosemary plant. Are you saying I’m not half-delicious?
Isn't he a muscular blessing? Happy to have him in the queer corner
I love Channing Tatum because he slakes my lust for a “down ass white boy” in way I will never have again with the problematic Mark Wahlberg.
It was an emergency. (She looks really good in white)
HELLO, if he’s a Nice Guy he won’t do it. Duh. That’s why you should appreciate a Nice Guy, you superficial slut. They can use their fedoras as chinese stars if anyone threatens your safety.
So, enlighten us, MRAs: How are women supposed to know which of you fucks will pull this on them or not?
I’m actually 100% white and I can’t fucking stand the “I’ve been privy to their racist comments against minorities because clearly ALL white people are in this together” thing either.* Some white people just assume that races are “teams” and we’re all obviously out to get each other.
Fifty shades of WTF.
You seem to have been snagged by the fact that there is no tone or inflection in writing like there is in speech. That sucks. Sorry dude.
Normal does not mean healthy or sane. It means that it happens fairly regularly in people who might wish otherwise. And who may have to struggle against the signals their body is sending.
Please don't tell her how to feel about her own experience. It is not your place to instruct her on what her emotions should be about something that happened to her.
But you have plenty of desire to comment about your lack of desire to sympathize or understand someone whose experiences were not yours. Got it. Thanks for stopping by.
This is some brave shit.