
You know what, I can't hate on that. They did a good job and were actually mildly funny. Which is a lot better than how these kinds of things usually go.

I do generally agree with this. I worked for a few years as a drive thru guy in fast food. Any time a customer asks for a manager (especially in a freaking drive thru) is generally a passive aggressive dickhole who's saying "dumbass" with a smile.

That being said, sometimes your boss is batshit, and you feel like you

"My sorority ran a soup kitchen for disenfranchised kittens, so..."

I feel you. Like I said, I tend not to escalate unless its with the cable company, but in that case, my reluctance to escalate was in direct conflict with my dislike of being told obvious bullshit to my face. To me it was worth it because I have terrible allergies and it was one of the few days I could be outside, so

This! No one sees their own faults. Well, rarely anyway. And going over someone's head to get your way makes them look bad. Maybe they are dicks and they need to look bad to their manager, maybe not. But as a "treat others as you'd like to be treated" type of person, I tend to just go with the flow. I also don't like

After hearing your side of the story and weighing it carefully, I'm still going to rule that you are a huge piece of shit.

Just for the sake of comparison:

Every two/three days in the winter, every other day in the summer. (Obvious exception if I have done something to make myself stinky/dirty)

She brutally mutilated him and then was allowed into his hospital room? How did she get anywhere near him? How come her scissors were so sharp? Mine don't even cut hair. Can you get a penis prosthesis? Can they grow one on the back of a mouse? I have many questions.

Cut my penis of once, shame on you. Cut my penis off twice...QUIT CUTTING MY PENIS OFF!!!

it has become a problem for a generation of younger women

"And here is our garden."

that is Chris Pratt's existence.

God, I love it when a hot person becomes MORE hot instead of LESS hot when they start talking.

I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.