lady rainicorn

We're all left shark. Left shark is, collectively, us.

Lolo Jones can STFU, but in all honesty, going back to the title of this article...who the hell would want to be Anastasia Steele? She seems so BLAH.

We are getting stupider by the day.

Yeah. That owl dances better than me.

Hm, interesting, interesting.

American accent over Australian? Really? I mean, I'm American, but

I feel you in a sense, as an Iranian myself, but this is a beauty article. I'm sure her grandmother passed on many life tips besides just beauty "tips," but we're getting a sense of these beauty-related things right now because that's what millihelen is about.

So true!

Every 2 weeks? I'm Persian and have to clean up my brows like ever 5 days! We're incredibly hairy people :P, but the tweezing thing can be true. I can't seem to grow out a particular part of my brow that I want to grow out anymore.

Yep. I'm Persian, 23, and have a nose job. The same year that I got mine done, 3 of my friends did as well. LOL, so ridiculous. I like to poke fun at how obsessed we are about it. In my defense, I simply got my bump removed, even though everyone and their grandma (I'm being serious here—my cousin's paternal grandma

All of this!

Why are people so stubborn? Also, why are people so afraid of science?! I really don't get it.

"Most parents who don't vaccinate aren't dumb."

That's a really poignant thing to remember. And I'm sorry about your grandfather. Polio is no joke.

I was born in the Middle East and am in my early 20s, so I was vaccinated for polio. I REMEMBER getting the 3 doses of the oral vaccine. Like, I must have been 2/3/4. But I still remember the 3 different times I had to get it. So it pisses me right the fuck off that people like to conveniently forget that these

Noooooo! NOOOO. Stop it now! That sounds so sad :(

Doesn't make it any less disgusting that they're our allies.